Part 1

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I decided to write in my book to pass the time. I paused, the ink from my pen darkening the paper. I heard his footsteps approaching. I ran to the corner of the room as I moved the floor creaked it was an old cabin but still, my heart was beating and my hands shook, I ran upstairs trying to get away, but he was quick. Before I could get an away I felt his warm hands against my wrists. Everything is going to be okay I thought, even though I knew it was a lie.

"Let go! Let me go p-please..." I screamed.

"I'm not going to hurt you..yet.."

Yet. I thought. He isn't going to hurt me yet. My heart dropped into my stomach, I felt sick.

"Please let me go." I pleaded again even though I know deep down he wouldn't.

I kept tugging, my eyes began to water, I could see the dark descent of stairs.

This was it, fight or flight. I managed to free one of my wrists from his sweaty grasped. There was no time to think, without a thought my hand turned into a fist and I punched him in the throat. He released my hands and grabbed his throat, his gasping breaths was all I could hear as I ran back to my room.

I locked the door behind me I ran to my old dusty desk near my somewhat of a bed. I paused, I tried to control my heavy breathing. There was silence. I heard the downstairs door slam open. Objects clattered and yelps of pain echoed the halls. I grabbed an old wooden chair and forced it under the doorknob. I backed myself up into the room, searching for something-- anything I could use as a weapon. Nothing. I let out a panicked sigh. The room was so bare and dusty is has been a long time since I dusted it.

Footsteps approached the door. I squeezed my eyes shut as I heard the door handle jiggle. I can't die, I can't die at twenty-one, I haven't even lived.

"Dakota Please open the door it's Ace please..."

I stopped breathing. Impossible.

"How dare you!" My shaky voice attacked the walls around me. "How dare you use his name, Kai!"

I felt myself being drawn to open the door, but I stood still. It was Impossible.

"Dakota it's me, it's Ace. Please, you have to believe me."

It couldn't be. But his voice, it was nothing like Kai's threatening tone. No. His was soft, it was gentle.

I knew it couldn't be true, I knew this was one of Kai's tricks to make me vulnerable. But part of me felt that it was true. I made my way to the door. I stopped just in front of it and let my head fall and rest on the cool wooden door. His shaky breaths filled my ears.

I just had to open to door to see if it was him. What if he was alive. My Ace. The person who died because of me. I slowly placed my hand on the chair and tossed it to the side. I stopped, my hand resting on the doorknob. I gave my head a little shake and unlocked the door. I am half expecting it to fly open and for Kai to grab me, but it didn't. I turned the golden handle, my eyes half shut I opened the door.

I couldn't believe my eyes. He was standing there, in front of me alive. His tall figure, his tawny short hair, his green eyes. It was him. I wanted to speak but my mouth was dry of words.

"How-how did you?" I tried to form a sentence.

He smiled at me and wrapped his arms around me. I listened to the sound of his heart beating. This is the first time I felt safe in a month.

"How did you survive that fall? Why didn't you come back to me?" I cried out in sorrow and shoved him.

He stumbled backward and gave me a pained look.

"I barely did." His voice quiet. "When I found out you were missing I searched everywhere. I haven't been to school since." He rubbed his face. "All I could dream of was holding you again."

I could almost feel the trembles in his voice.

Ace slid his arms around my waist, about to give me another hug. I drew in a sharp breath and jumped back.

He stared at me bewildered. I placed my hands around my torso protectively.

Ace stepped towards me, I stepped back. He slouched his shoulder and gave me a soft look. He stepped towards me again and I let him. He gently placed his hands at the hem of my shirt and lifted it up. The bruises and scabs made him draw in a breath.

" You have to go before he comes back" I gently pushed him back

"Not without you" he gave a worried look

He stood there like he wanted me to beg him to take me with him but Kai will be back. He gave me a 'be safe' nod and left. It was the most painful part because my 'love' and escape walked out and I don't know where he is.

That doesn't change that he left me thinking I killed him, that is what I always tell myself "it was for the better it was a sacrifice he did it to protect me" I said to myself "A sacrifice... To the devil? To protect you?" Kai whispered in my ear and bear-hugged me from the behind. "Sure as hell it wasn't God's doing" I sniffed not even trying to get out. As much I wanted to punch him I couldn't, I didn't want to. He gently pushed me against the wall holding my waist "Why didn't you leave with him?" He questioned me but I was glancing and his hunting knife and back but I wasn't scared but I knew he wouldn't hurt me...again or more he seemed he cared but he could be acting. "Would you believe me if I said I don't know?" I placed my head on his chest I just couldn't stand the way I look at him he was different from the other, I just when into a hug with him lightly crying. He pulled me tight until he walked me into my bedroom and allowing me to go to sleep crying.

Day 35

What happened yesterday... Ace was here he is alive I wonder Why Kai Was So calm, all I know is his eyes capture me. I'm I falling for him(Kai)?

When I woke up my purple hair was stuck to by pale face, I stayed in my room until noon just cleaning up and regretting things that happened in my life. There was a quiet knocking on the door" Kai?" I opened my bedroom door "Go outside for a bit" he says as he guiding me to the front door. It is so beautiful I didn't even care for the coldness or if the clothes I'm wearing weren't proper for this weather nor getting wet, the snow on the trees is beautiful enough. "I should have let you out more," He said smiling I laughed nodding "It would make me happy'' I said playing in the snow it is fun I was out until the evening. "Come inside Dakota" I rushed inside for the heat, every day this place and he grows on me like if I had a choice to stay or go I may even stay. I loved this- well today I loved it. If I do what he says can I earn his trust? What would I do when or if I get out? My twin Jace I wonder how she is. I went to sleep with all of these thoughts.

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