Part 6

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About an hour later he came in his room seeing me on his bed made him confused I assumed by the look on his face "If this is really hell isn't Lucifer the real king of hell?" I asked he looked surprised "Well... My dad is in his cage for like 100 years" I was absolutely shocked "Lucifer is your father?" he nodded "I'm dating Lucifer's son" he gave me this victory smile "What" I chuckled "what you said we dating" I gave him a look that makes him unsure, I stood up and kissed his cheek then giggled" Are we?" I said turning the corner.

I was woken by shouting and screaming of souls we are being attacked. Not long after a strange man came into my room while I'm trying to do magic but I couldn't "Look down iron cuffs to magic" I try to think who is he but then what happens "Dammit! get this off of me!" I couldn't help but turn without my magic... The short and painful way I broke free "He was right-" I cut him off and put the chains on him. I wanted to kill him but I couldn't he knows about this attack I must find Leona.

I checked every room, every hallway know one was to be found Think Leo will who are these people...HYBRIDS I'm scared out of my mind I was alone I don't know what to do. I swear yesterday was enough drama and these people or hybrids. Everything went so fast and black.

When I woke up I was chained to a bed standing up with this really bad headache my brown hair was sticking to my light skin. Everything was a blur but I did make out figures of 3 males and a female. the female and the two males were chained like I was. When everything was clear is was Ace, Kai, and Leona "No... what happened?" I asked worried "I-I'm so sorry... It's all my fault" Leona said I shook my head" no It's not Leo if there is someone to blame it's me and Kai's we should've protected everyone better" Trying to break outta the chains "Stop it, Dakota... it's no...u-u-use..." Kai said so weakly it was killing me "KAI! Please please stay awake don't sleep...please?!" I pleaded for him seeing him like this, made me want to break out of these chains but the more I struggle the more power I lose and I get weaker.

I saw this bright light it was blinding me.

"This one just woke up and is active"

"Same with this three but it's the girl"

"What's wrong with her"

" Her eyes are red, she's burning up and she has power"

"The Queen? We caught the queen?"

That is me I'm the queen, I started to bang my hands against the wall the chains banged with my hands. "That was a dumb idea to catch the queen and her friends" I chuckled insanely and broke free. " That's my girl!" I heard Kai say proudly but weak. "please we did not mean this" one of them pleaded I wasn't planning on killing them just scaring them. " Release them" I demanded, this place has a different feeling? It's not like the underworld it's like there should be unicorns and pink fluffy clouds it's angelic?

"What do you want to do with them Kody? Kai questioned while putting his arms around my waist. "Kill them," I said with no emotion" You heard her"Kai had a smile on his face.

It's bad right to feel so good about sentencing them to their death? Kai... he had a smile! a smile on his face when I said that.

We returned back to the underworld after killing those hybrids and when we did whatever we wanted to Kai went to his room, Ace and Leona went to her room I swear there's something going on between them and I went to the garden. A little while after a message appeared painfully in my forearm thinking it was Kai I didn't like much of it, it can wait but the pain increased "Miss me yet Quinn?" No.. it can't be " Can't be?" Ace sat down beside me confused. I quickly grabbed my fannel and put it on so he wouldn't see my name my real name.

"Uh, nothing" I moved my hair from my face"We dated for years I know when your lying" he looked at me and gave me a gentle smile, "It's nothing really... It's just" I glanced at my forearm and quickly looked at him and of course, he noticed "Nothing?" he grabbed my forearm with pressure making me yelp in pain. he ripped open my fannel open" Quinn?" he grabbed my hand leading or dragging me to I'm guessing Kai's room. I didn't even feel like fighting I know I need help but it's him.

Ace shoved me in Kai's room more like on his floor. I have been holding the message since it been bleeding. " The hell Ace?" he rushed to me "Do you want to explain?" Ace said sitting against the wall. I stayed silent I was expecting to be slapped or something "Dakota what's going on?" He said gently putting his arm around me" Like that's her real name "Ace added with a smirk and Kai got mad. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and roughly pushed me against the wall I yelp again "What does he mean!" he shoved me into the wall, finally, he noticed I'm bleeding." Take your fannel off" he demanded the king is always more powerful than the queen so I obey "Miss me yet Quinn? The hell does this mean!" he shouted, "Please let me explain!" I pleaded "Kai! get your hands off of Kody! what's happening" Leo shouted "I'm pretty sure her name is Quinn' Ace informed her. "You better" he loosened his grip " My name is Quinn Perez, This message is from my...Husband, he forced me into it, he abused me, never made it visible he does this thing it makes me feel it was my fault... His name is Thomas Stan...please know I love you, Kai, I just had to keep this from you.." I cried by the end of it, he pulled me into the tightest hug I have ever been in"I'm so sorry Dakota or Quinn" He carried me to bed" Dakota" I answered and fell asleep.

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