Part 4

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I was outside of my house, My grey bricked, white window frames, a beautiful garden, and a classic white fence all around it. I stood there debating if I should go in or just go back to Kai. I let out a deep breath and closed my eyes for a few seconds, I walked in "Jace?"I shouted walking in no one answered 'JACE! I AM BACK!"

"Should you go to her?"

"You crazy! She will kill you Andrew"

"She hasn't been home in months, how long do you think she will be here? we will go downstairs"

"I can hear you! I have to tell you and ...Andrew, I guess something " I sat and as they came down I gave a death glare at Andrew "it's's really you," Jace said tearing up and hugging me than sitting down, I took a deep long breath and turned, of course, they freaked out as I explain. After I was done I turned to a human once again.

The next day at dinner Leona showed up once again I had to explain what's happening that I had to leave once again "Leona? what's happening?"I questioned "It's the demon mate thing...You going to die if you don't come back!" she said in this caring tone "Go Dakota, and live even if your a demon thing were family...Twins I love you" Jace said with one more hug. We returned back to hell.

All the wickedness in me raised up all I can feel wicked and a little bit of love to who is Kai. So I went into my most powerful form as the queen.

"She's back for good, I told Leona a lie so she's staying here forever"

"She's here she's listening, dumbass"

"You caught me," I chuckled and smiled the boys just stared at me" really Ace a lie WAIT why can't go back turn back!" I said freaking out" Devils Trap," Ace said leaving" Kai...Please you gotta help me I do anything for you I will stay here...just let me out so I can kill-" I cut myself off and stand there silent, was he just going to walk away no? "Kai please don't leave me here...just let me go from this trap I promise I would stay" He walks to me kneels to destroy the trap. I wouldn't let him, I pushed him down and I walked over him and pushed him into the devil's trap. " you can't leave me here Dakota!'' I nodded "Call your brother to help you" and I walked away making random turns and turning into a human. I called for Leona she was like a sister to me. I check our room she wasn't in here I started to get worried "Leona!?"I yelled no one answer.

I started to ask around no knew only one "ShE mAy Be WiTh AcE" he said in this demonic voice. I was scared but I when to Ace's room didn't even bother to knock...There was no one until I heard Leona scream, she wasn't in here so I started to look for a trapdoor I totally forgot I was in Ace's room I'd still date him if he doesn't hurt anyone I love-like..right? I waited for a sigh then a heard another scream it was below me under the carpet I found it! I climbed down he was hurting Leona "Leo! What's happening Ace?" walking to Leona and pushing him on the floor. To be honest I wanted to kill Ace so bad but I didn't because I knew he wouldn't die again. Before I could leave Ace he grabbed me, whisper in my ear and threw me into the wall rough I couldn't get up nor breathe.

I looked around for Kai or demons but they were gone. I did research demon mates can feel others pain like if one got stabbed so I did I stabbed myself... he was in front of me bleeding from the same arm" did you have to do that!"He yelled at me annoyed" Yes! Your brother is torturing Leona! He almost killed me...also said something!"I said wiping the tears from my cheeks. He looked around and took my hands and hold them "Wheres my brother?' He questioned, I was scared to I didn't and I pulled my hands away, he asked again he was just mad. Again didn't answer he threw me to the wall, I couldn't breathe for a second I gasped for air. He was pissed he was yelling storming down to Ace's room I tried to follow but he didn't go in? So where did they were gone? I knew I shouldn't tell him but what about Leona, I went to his room and checked on her they were all gone I started to panic.

Even I didn't care about Ace I was worried about him too. He pissed off Kai about what he did to me. I'm such an idiot for telling him but I had to. I just couldn't bring myself to look for them I couldn't stop thinking about what Ace had said to me he knew about him but he didn't? He couldn't know. I have to go find him and know for sure if he knows or not.

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