Sticking Up For Ricky

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*Ricky's p.o.v again* When we walked into the cafeteria, I walked straight over to our table and sat down. I don't normally eat lunch. I pulled out my book and began reading it. Suddenly, it was pulled away from me. I looked at who took it. Carson and his group of 'followers'. I stood and glared up at Carson, considering he towered over me. Well, everyone pretty much towers over me. I reached for my book but he raised it up over his head. I jumped up to get it, but I was still too short. His group of followers laughed behind him and Carson smirked. I jumped for it again, but Carson pushed me, mid-air, making me fly against the table. The table squeaked and everyone in the cafeteria turned to look. Carson poured water on me, making my eyeliner and mascara run, and the everyone in the cafeteria laughed. Carson threw my book in the trash and walked to the table where his friends sat. Chris, Ryan, and Josh came running over to the table when they saw what happened. "Oh my God Ricky, are you ok?" Chris asked in a rushed tone and helped me up. I just nodded my head. "Come on, let's go get you cleaned up." Josh said, and started pulling me to the bathroom. I grabbed some paper towels to dry myself off with and Josh grabbed my bag from my locker. After I was dry, well dryish anyway, I started to re-apply my make up. Once I was done, Josh asked if I had wanted to skip the rest of school, but I shook my head no. I had detention and if I missed it, I would be in even bigger trouble. We started back towards the cafeteria. When we got there, the table was set back up and Chris and Ryan were sitting there. We walked over to them and sat down. Josh looked around the room and asked "Where's Carson? I'd expect him to still be laughing." "He's at the nurses office." Chris said. "Why?" Josh asked. "Chris broke his nose." Ryan said. Josh busted out laughing. "Hey, the dude deserved it. That's the second time I saw him mess with Ricky. I also got detention for it." Chris said, glancing in my direction. I blushed slightly and hoped no one saw. After a few minutes, the bell rung, signaling lunch was over and, for me and Chris, detention started. We walked towards the room that had 'Detention' written on it. I had never been here before. I wasn't one of those kids who did everything they could to not get in trouble, I just normally stayed in the background. I took a deep breath, opened the door and walked in, Chris behind me. I walked to the back row of seats and sat down. Chris sat in a seat next to me. The teacher came in a few minutes later. I pulled out one of my notebooks I used for writing. I turned to a page and continued working on a story I was writing. Writing was one of my favorite things to do.  While I was writing, I felt eyes looking at me. I looked up and saw Chris staring at me. I raised my eyebrow. I went back to writing, turning a bit so Chris couldn't read what I was writing. I don't really like people reading my work. After the longest hour of my life, the bell rung. I put my notebook up and stood up, walking towards the door. Me and Chris walked to our lockers. Josh and Ryan were already there. I was putting my stuff up when I dropped one of my books on the ground. I bent down to pick it up when I heard my locker slam shut. I picked up my book and stood up. Carson had some type of gauze on his nose. He pushed me into the locker. "What do you think you're doing?" Chris asked. Carson glared at him. "Look, I don't know who you think you are, but if you dare do anything like that little stunt back in the cafeteria, you'll regret it. Mess with me again and you'll wish you'd never come in the first place. You have no idea what I'm capeable of." Carson said. "Ha. You don't scare me. I could easily take you down. Mess with Ricky again, and I will." Chris said. Carson just glared at him again and walked away. 

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