Chapter One

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I sighed as I stood in the cold night air. I had been looking forward to this concert for months, but now it was the last place that I wanted to be. I sighed again as I leant against the railings, waiting for the doors to open.

I could hear the other fans giggling and chatting excitedly amongst themselves, but I somehow felt disconnected from them. Thanks to recent events I didn't even want to be here. I pulled my jacket across my chest, to try and keep myself from shivering.

I jumped as the fans began screaming. I looked up and saw that Ben, Mark and Christian from A1 had just left the bus. The girls were shouting, all desperately trying to get their attention.

I rolled my eyes impatiently. I was in such a bad mood. As I continued looking at the floor listening to the girls screaming, I saw a pair of feet stand in front of me. I looked up slowly and saw Ben standing in front of me. He frowned at me in fascination. As I made eye contact with him he beamed at me. I smiled slightly.

"Hey." he said.

"Hi." I said quietly. I couldn't summon up any enthusiasm,usually I would be so happy for a moment like this with the band that I grew up listening to, but right now, I didn't care.

"Aren't you going to ask for a picture?" he teased.

"No, you're off the hook." I grinned.

He looked at me for a while.

"What's your name?" he asked me.

"Kate." I replied.

"Enjoy the show." he smiled at me, before turning and walking away.

I watched as Ben stood talking to Mark and Christian. They kept glancing in my direction. It was obvious they were talking about me.

I sighed and made my way into the stadium.

AN- Sorry it's a bit short lol. Would love some votes and comments. X

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