Strong Arm

27 1 14

Previously on Escape the Night the guests were devastated about what they did to Jaeden but they went on and met a gay named Simon and then they had to do a challenge which was Quinn and Nicole but there was a twist Quinton died

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"What was the sound?"Austin asked

Austin-All of a sudden we hear sirens and where like oh shit

"Uh guys I have to use the bathroom"Tyler says walking off

Opal-I'm pretty sure that's how everyone dies in the horror movies "oh I should go to bathroom alone" oh shit your dead

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"It's been a long time"Quinn says "Yeah we should go check up on him"Nicole says as they get up and go searching and then they see Tyler looking at a church in the distance "Tyler!"Kaleb yelled

Kaleb-we yell his name no response

"Tyler!"Austin yelled and then they approached him and tapped him on his shoulder "Yeah?"Tyler says "we were looking for you"Lilly says "I just-let's just go back to the lounge"Tyler says as they started walking back and then a lady stopped them "Hey they can you play my game?"The lady asked

Lilly-What kind of game like checkers?chess?

"Okay sure"They said "So you guys have to play against each other and the winner can open this box"The lady said as they went on

Austin vs Kaleb 👑Kaleb👑
Kaleb vs Tyler 👑Tyler👑
Lilly vs Quinn 👑Quinn👑
Opal vs Austin 👑Opal👑


Nicole vs Tyler 👑Nicole👑


Quinn vs Nicole 👑Quinn👑
Opal vs Nicole 👑Opal👑


Opal vs Quinn 👑Opal👑

"Woah your strong,now you can open the box"The lady says as Opal opens the box "Wait that's an artifact"Wyatt says "that means we unleashed..."Calliope says as a guy with a huge ass arm comes out of no where "Ahhh!"They scream "Go and vote and bring me back the strongest!"The Strong Man says said

Nicole-just great!

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"Okay I would like to say I think we should only vote the girls"Austin said "Yeah me too"Tyler says "So your saying your going against us girls?"Lilly asked "N-N-No we're just saying that all the boys have died and we want a girl to at least ya now"Kaleb said

Kaleb-Like oh my god just be cooperative

"So you guys as saying your forming an alliance against us?"Opal says "No where just saying"Tyler says "But that's what it kinda sounds like"Nicole says "It is time to vote"Calliope says "Can you guys just not vote a boy?"Austin asked "Fine!"The girls groaned

To Be Continued

Okay everyone you can only vote a girl if you pick a boy I put your oc into the randomizer ONLY GIRLS can be voted and also just one day to vote


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