The Carnival Master

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Previously on Escape the Night they played hide and seek with a ghost and then they had to do a challenge with everyone in it which resulted in the death of Nicole but that's not it Wyatt betrayed them and he summoned the Carnival Master and summoned zombies now what will happen

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Tyler and Opal help up Calliope and Austin "What do we do?"Tyler asked "We need to attack the Carnival Master"Calliope said "Where is his whereabouts?"Opal asked

Opal-So Calliope is like we need to kill this mother trucker

"At that Church that Tyler was staring at"Calliope said "Wait If he's some psycho demon thing why is he at a church?"Austin asked

Austin-um the church is for Jesus children like us my not for crazy demon man of Satan

"He's at his lair,we need to lure the zombies there and there's something on the church where it can knock back the dead and kill them"Calliope said "So it's like easier to walk out in the open?"Opal asked "yes"Calliope said

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They were now being chased by zombies and then they got to the Church and ran in and the zombies surround them "I am in the church of god our lord oh mighty!"Opal yelled "Okay set off the trap!"Tyler yelled as they set off the trap and killed all the zombies "oh looks like you killed my minions"The Carnival Master said

Tyler-oh shi- some crazy ish is  to go down

The Carnival Master then stared using magic on Wyatt and then Calliope ran up took Wyatt gun and the Carnival Master snapped Wyatt's neck "Damn!"Austin yelled and then Calliope started shooting the Carnival Master "Yes Kill it!"Tyler yelled

Opal-we might get out of here

The Carnival Master Came up to Calliope and choked her to death "shit!"Opal yelled "go go go!"Austin yelled as they ran back to fat mans skins and barricade the door

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And there was a note,black salt,crystals,and some candles "Summon the Society Against Evil and they will help you kill the Carnival Master to summon them chant the words at the bottom"Opal reads

Opal-Okay some more demon ish

They then summoned the SAE members "JAEL,RYU!"Tyler yelled hugging them "Who are these people?"Austin asked  "We are the society against evil,I am Jael"Jael said "and I am her boyfriend Ryu"Ryu said "We need to take down the Carnival master"Jael said

Austin-Okay yay we have someone to help us

"How do we know you can take down the Carnival Master?"Opal asked "you'll see"Ryu said as they walked to the church

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Tyler-Okay let me get my tea cup ☕️

"Jael,Ryu How Have you been?"The Carnival Master asked "Well being dead for a thousand years really FIRED ME UP!"Jael screamed throwing a magic at him and then Ryu and Jael both fought The Carnival Master without anything to worry about "FINISH HIM!"Tyler yelled as Jael finished off The Carnival Master killing him

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They all walked to the entrance "Hey Tyler there's something back there for you"Ryu said "Okay?"Tyler asked


Austin-I am leaving here alive!

Tyler-theres something here that I need to do

Tyler stopped in his tracks "You coming?"Austin asked "I have something to do"Tyler said "Okay we won't wait for ya"Opal said as Tyler walked away

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Tyler took the crystal from the carnival master and looked at it and saw all the deaths of his friends and then heard at voice "Tyler,Tyler are you there?"A voice asked "Amber?"Tyler asked "Tyler come save us were counting on you"Amber said

To Be Continued next season

Oooo tea!!!!! I will be posting the cast today for the next book


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