Ghostly Times (pt 2)

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They all flew off into the obstacles and Opal was in first place and Nicole was in second place and Tyler Third and Austin fourth

Opal-bish this is easy

Nicole then tried to do a trick but then failed and almost fell out of the air "Ah!"Nicole screams "I said be careful"The Ghost said as they continued flying

Nicole-Okay ima try not to show off this time

Nicole was not in third place and Tyler was in second and Opal still in first

Austin-I have to find a way to pass Nicole but I don't want her to die tho

They were all heading for the finish line and then Austin passed Nicole at the last minute

Nicole-Austin passes me and I realize I'm gonna die

Opal-ayyy 😝 I won first place!!!!

The wind disappears and then the ghost goes towards Nicole "I am so sorry Nicole but it's the rules"The Ghost said "no wait I-Nicole was cut off by the Ghost taking her soul "AHHHHH!"Nicole screamed "Nicole!"Tyler yelled

Tyler-now my sister is dead and it's my fault she's here

Tyler then cleansed the artifact and then they went into the room and saw Wyatt messing with the artifacts "WYATT WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Calliope yelled "Trying to help my town!"Wyatt said as the Carnival Master appears "Hi there Calliope"The Carnival Master said shooting magic at Calliope and making her fall back

Austin-Wyatt betrayed us!

"That's enough"Austin said punching Wyatt and then the carnival master used magic to knock back Austin also "Rise the dead from this ground of this town and have them not burn in Hell!"The Carnival Master yelled as Zombies rose from the ground


"We'll be on our way"The Carnival Master said as him and Wyatt left

Tyler-Wyatt betrayed us i have no idea what to expect now

To Be Continued

Oooooo tea!!!

❤️Rip Nicole❤️


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