SuperHeros Have Dark Sides

22 1 10

Previously on Escape the Night Quinn was devastated of her twin's death but then they had to arm wrestle each other and it resulted in a challenge and the person to die was Quinn I guess she died with her twin

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They all rushed back into the lounge and then sat down and Opal went and changed and they all hugged Opal and congratulated her and then they heard a loud crash

Opal-Oh mah gosh is Jesus coming down on earth????

"What was that?"Calliope asked as they walked out and saw two guys that were superhero's fighting and then one of the superhero's here shrunk by the other and then the superhero saw them "I am Citrix"He said "and I have a task for you"Citrix said

Tyler-then tell us bitch!

"I need for you to make this two fly"Citrix said pulling out a Zero G Man toy "Now go along bring it back to me when you have the thing I want"Citrix said a they left and went to the clowns tent and decided to make the action figure fly with balloons and they failed a few times but they did so and then they made it fly

Lilly-I don't like it but it's good enough

A chest popped open and there was some type of weird gun device "Let's go give it him"Austin said as they left

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They handed the gun thing to Citrix "Yes the lighting gun 1000"Citrix said "So what Do we get out of this?"Lilly asked "I KNOW WHAT YOU GET YOU GET TO GO IN THERE AND VOTE AND BRING ME BACK 2!"Citrix said pointing the gun at them

Austin-Who woke up on the wrong side of the bed Jeez

"Okay Okay"Nicole said as they walked to the lounge "Speak amongst yourselves"Calliope says

To Be Continued

Only one day to vote ooo and btw Nicole and Kaleb didn't do ish don't ask why I'm dragging my own ocs lol 😂


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