Danger #7

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Lauren left Normani and Ally to answer the School nurse's annoying questions. She sat beside the bed of the blonde girl.

"Who are you?" The blonde croaked. Lauren just stared at her smugly.

"Sleep," Lauren commanded, crossing her arms. Her mind was occupied, not suprisingly, by Camila. She knows she have to ask this blonde who were the men dragging her. It's pointless, she was unconscious. How would she know?

"You are the new girl," the blonde whispered.

Lauren frowned at the girl. "Yes. Yes I am."


Lauren stood, cutting the girl mid-sentence. "You know what? I think I need some air. See you around." She doesn't want to stay and chit chat with this girl so she left the clinic. She found herself walking back in the dark woods. Ofcourse, I have to clean the mess.

She checked the men's pulses. They're all dead. Scratching her chin, thinking where to put these stupid morons. She picked up the guns, undoubtly there are fingerprints on it. She dragged the bodies and arranged them.

She bit her lip as she examins her work. The dead bodies were alined. If the police found these, it would be definitely weird.

"Well, police are just bunch of stupid fat gits," Lauren muttered to herself. "Useless."

Lauren wishes they didn't kill all of them. She could use one to interrogate. But if these men are Reapers like her, they wouldn't talk, ofcourse. She walked and kneeled beside a body. She searched for something that would confirm that they are Reapers, or what Mafia they belonged.

No symbol. No anything. Maybe a tattoo. She have to strip them. She checked their wrist, back, chest, arm, legs. Nothing. No tattoo.

"Damn it," she muttered. She felt lazy to put their shirts on so she just covered them with their black jackets.

She went back to the girl's dorm feeling disappointed. Still no answers.

Weeks had passed. The students stopped talking about Lily Halters, and started talking about the blonde girl, and Lauren heard her name was Clare Zabini.

She was sure that Camila is doing a good job avoiding her. They still share some classes but she doesn't sit beside her anymore. And that annoyed Lauren. She was grumpy these past few days.

"Still won't talk to me," Lauren mumbled at lunch.

"Who's not talking to you?" Normani asked while chewing her sandwich.

"Wish you would," Lauren answered grumpily. Ally laughed. Normani pouted.

"What's wrong with you?" Normani asked.


"Hi, L-Lauren," said a nervous voice. The trios looked at the new comer. It didn't improve Lauren's mood. It was blonde, Clare Zabini.

"What?" she asked, staring smugly at Clare.

"I...just. Er.." she stammered. Lauren tried not to roll her eyes.

"Oh stop being grumpy!" Ally snapped at Lauren. And smiled sweetly at Clare, "I'm sorry. She's.. Er her crush doesn't want to talk to her. She's pathetic, doesn't she?"

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