Chapter 7: He Needs Me

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Eddies POV

I heard a loud ringing in the side of my ear. I opened my eyes and was surprised to be in a hospital room. Richie, Beverly, and Bill were sitting to my left.

Richie was the first to notice I was awake.

"Ed's!" Richie quickly stood up and kissed my forehead. Bev and Bill looked relieved then stood up.

"We will leave you two alone" Bev said as she walked out. My vision was still blurry but I could make out Richies glasses.

"When did you get new glasses?" I asked, thinking I had only been out for a couple hours.

"Yesterday," Richie explained, "you have been asleep for three days Ed's" a tear ran down Richies face. "I didn't think you would make it. You fainted and hit your head hard on the ground. Henry continued to punch your head. I tried to stop him but Bill and Beverly pulled me away" I was shocked.

"When am ambulance came I tried to come with you but they said I couldn't come" Tears trailed down Richies face.

"I rode my bike straight to the hospital," he stopped to wipe away his tears, "the doctors told me you had a concussion, and likely wouldn't remember anything that had happened in your life" I sat up to give Richie a hug.

Richies POV
three days earlier...

"Stop! Let me come with him!" I shouted between tears, "He needs me!" The nurses carrying Eddie into the ambulance blocked my from entering the vehicle.

"Please!" I begged. I watched as the ambulance carrying the person I cared most for drive away. I ran to my bike and quickly peddled to the hospital.

At the hospital...

I ran up the stairs to the room they kept Eddie in. I was tired from the bike ride here, but didn't stop. I needed to make sure Eddie was okay.

"Eddie!" A rush of relief filled my body when I saw him. I walked over and sat on the bed next to him. At that momenta doctor walked in.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked.

No response.

"I said is he going to be okay?!" I repeated in a slightly firmer voice.

"Yes, he'll be fine. But he likely won't remember who you are" my heart sank at that moment. What did he mean? Of course Eddie would remember me! I was his best friend!

"Your friend here is suffering from a serious concussion," the man explained, "he hit his head very hard".

"I know that! I saw it happen!" I found myself getting more angry at every word the doctor spoke.

"Calm yourself" the doctor stated with no expression.

"I'm sorry, but my best friend," I corrected myself, "my true love, just got punched multiple times in the face by a jerk five times his size and now your telling me to 'calm myself'. Well I don't see how I am so supposed to be calm here!" My face was red in anger.

"I think it would be best if you leave" the man suggested.

"What about no?" There was no way I was going to leave Ed's with this man. "Security!" The doctor called.

"You are calling security on me?!" Before I knew it two men in blue uniforms came to escort me out of Eddies hospital room. I tried to push them away but they were to strong.

Eddies POV

We hugged for what seemed forever. I didn't want to let go. I felt Richies tears pouring onto my back. A doctor walked in.

"I thought I told you to leave" he said. I looked at Richie confused. "I did, and now I'm back. Deal with it" Richie gave a rude smile to the annoyed doctor.

"You will be able to leave in a couple of hours. It's good that you seem to remember," he stared at Richie, "your friend here.."


"Yea Ed's?"

"Can I come home with you tonight? I don't know how my mom is going to handle this" I was scared that my mom would blame Richie for what happened to me.

"Sure" Richie smiled. The doctor gave me two pills then left the room. I scotched over so Richie could lay next to me on the hospital bed, and we talked for the next few hours.

It's Okay Ed's Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ