Ch. 22

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Ch. 22

His words were cut off by the loud creaking of metal from a short ways ahead of them. Behind a small hill about one hundred yards ahead, the glimmering form of a giant appeared. The monstrous figure stepped closer, blocking the sunlight and giving them a clear view of it's form.

Standing close to two hundred feet tall, the gleaming body of a metal man quickly closed the distance between them. A massive sword the size of a tall building was gripped in his right hand, swaying by his side as he strode towards the two heroes.

Heracles turned to Perseus and glowered, "And there you go. Well done, bud."

Perseus' pale face couldn't look away from the gigantic metal man.

"What is that?"

Heracles sighed miserably, "That would be Talos. A creation of Hephaestus built to protect the island of Crete."

Perseus managed to go even paler, "Then why is it coming towards us? We're not a threat to Crete."

"Well," Heracles muttered as he unslung his bow from his shoulder, "because why wouldn't it?"

"What do you mean?" Perseus asked nervously as the bronze giant marched towards them with massive steps covering fifty feet with each stride.

"You've been with me for over four years," Heracles snapped making Perseus feel stupid for asking the question. "If the fact that a giant mechanical man is coming to kill is surprising to you, then you need to take some time and think about our lives since we met! This is what happens every time things start to look promising for us!"

"But why is he here?" Perseus said exasperated. "Giant bronze men don't just appear out of nowhere."

"It's Talos," Heracles sighed, "it was a gift from Hephaestus to Minos. A giant mechanical man to guard the island from intruders. He circles the island three times a day as he patrols for threats against Crete."

"But," Perseus began but had to dive to his left as Talos' giant sandaled foot landed in the spot where he'd been standing. "We're not intruders!" He yelled from the ground where he landed. "Why is it attacking us?"

Heracles lunged forward, avoiding the swipe of the giant's sword, "It's a mechanical man!" Heracles yelled, "I have no idea what it's thinking! Obviously the gods realized we'd almost gone a week without running into a monster who wanted to kill us and decided our lives were becoming too easy for their entertainment!"

Perseus wasn't sure he agreed with his assessment but his body quickly went into auto drive, his instincts taking over as the logical part of his brain was pushed aside and the one hardwired for battle took over. He yanked on his pendant and his bow appeared in his hand. He fired a trio of arrows at the head of the towering monster but they simply clanged off its face's metal carapace and fell to the ground harmlessly.

His arrows did no damage but they did manage to attract its attention as it turned towards the son of Poseidon, rearing back with his sword and sending a powerful strike that dug a small trench in the earth in the spot where Perseus had been. The small shockwave sent through the earth from the blow knocked Perseus off his feet as he tried to stumble away. He face planted into the ground, the rocky earth cutting small gashes into his skin.

With his focus on Perseus, Heracles charged at the giant with his sword drawn. He swung with every bit of his strength at the giant's shin, managing to dent the giant's bronze body, the force of the blow forcing the giant to drop onto a knee.

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