Chapter One

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Copyright: ALL RIGHTS RESERVED by Kayla Cacopardo 2019

Mature themes: sex scenes, violence, drug use, mental illness, bdsm.

This book is erotica containing bdsm.

Told in third persons point of view.

Anyone wants to be a beta reader for this story, I appreciate the feedback. Comment or message me your opinions on this story. Thank you.

Chapter One

Talise takes a deep breath before she hops out of the taxi.

"Here are your things", Max, the taxi driver tells her as he places her last bit of luggage on the side walk.

"Thank you".

Talise grabs her big suitcase in one arm and carries a nicely folded up box under her other arm. She looks up at the huge building in front of her, feeling slightly intimidated but excited to start her new life. Going into the 303 Royal Parade campus building, she's stunned with how nice it all is. When she researched this place, seeing the photos and facilities this place provides, she's amazed she's going to be staying here. Now that she's here, it's surreal.

Talise checks in with the reception desk before going up to the fifth floor and finding her apartment. Her apartment is a two bedroom so she's interested in meeting her roommate. What she saw on the online tour showed a dorm-like blueprint of her apartment. Unlocking the door, it opens up to a small kitchen. A girl stands at the fridge and smiles when she sees Talise.

"Hi, I'm Gabriela, call me Gabby". She outstretches her hand so Talise closes the door behind her and then shakes her hand.

"I'm Talise". She smiles.

"Let's put your stuff in your room and then we can get to know each other".

She takes the box out of Talise's hand. Looking around, there's a bathroom to the left of the kitchen which is small and simple. Walking further into the kitchen comes a walkway, one bedroom at either end. Right in the middle of the walkway is a door to a balcony. Talise places her suitcase on her bed and Gabby sets the box on the floor. She sits at the chair and small office desk at the end of her bed.

"This room is so dorm like. I mean no couches so we'll have to hang out in our rooms together". Gabby smiles. Talise smiles, happy she's paired with someone who's welcoming.

"Yeah it's small but nice", Talise comments.

"Have you been to the university yet to get all the necessities they hand out?" Gabby asks.

"Yeah I dropped by before I came here". Talise sits on her bed and sighs.

"What are you studying?"

"Bachelor of arts. How about you?"

"Cultural studies", Gabby answers. "Where do you work?"

Talise laughs nervously.

"Actually I need to find a job and quick if I plan on staying here long term. I've got quite some money saved from my previous job that'll last me for some time".

"Oh, well this is the city. I'm sure you'll find something in no time". Gabby smiles with her encouraging words.

"What about you?"

"I'm from Melbourne so my family is here. They'll help me out if I need it but I work at a cafe", Gabby explains.

"Then what are you doing living on campus?" Talise is interested in Gabby's backstory. If she has family here, why wouldn't she stay with them?

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