Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Arsenio wakes up and sees Talise still sound asleep in his arms. He smiles, feeling serene with her in his arms. But the question is, what drove her into his arms last night? What happened at the party to make her attack him with her lips? He's going to find out. He gets out of bed and throws on some pants then goes to the kitchen. He grabs a frying pan, puts some bread in the toaster and starts cooking up a big breakfast because she'll sure be hungry after last night. He didn't even keep count of how many times she climaxed. When Arsenio is finished with breakfast he sets it on the table and Talise walks out of the room, pulling at the bottom of his shirt she's now wearing. He looks at her and she bites her lip.

"Sit down and eat", he tells her so she goes and sits down at the table. He sits across from her and gestures for her to eat. He figures he'll let her eat before questioning what happened last night.

"I should go", Talise says after finishing her food, feeling embarrassed of the way she acted last night.

"No, you're going to sit down there and tell me why you came here". Arsenio is firm with his words.

"I just, I wanted to see you", she mutters.

"I don't buy that".

"Look I'm going". She stands up but Arsenio moves quicker and grabs her arm, pulling her chin to look up at him.

"Listen, I know you're new to this relationship, but you don't lie to your dom. Now I'm not complaining with your forwardness last night but I want to know what made you come here. Something must have happened at that party".

Talise goes quiet, not wanting to let him into her past. Not wanting him to know her backstory. She doesn't want to say she saw drugs at the party, had a flashback to her terrible years and she needed a distraction which she chose to be him.

"It's nothing, Arsenio", she says.

"Our main rule, Talise, be honest". Arsenio stares hard at her.

"Then please just trust me that it's nothing for you to worry about". Talise has a desperate look in her eyes and Arsenio sees that. He debates whether to keep pushing it but he doesn't.

"Fine. I'll get you some clothes of mine to wear and then I'll take you home", Arsenio says. Talise nods, feeling awkward about her attacking him last night and wanting to be away from him.

Arsenio can see Talise isn't hungover so he's still wondering why, but he needs to trust what she said is true. Their relationship is built on trust and he needs to see to that. Arsenio gives Talise a pair of his trackpants and then drives her home.

"I'll call you", Arsenio says as she gets out of the car.

Talise goes up to her apartment and Gabby is standing in the kitchen. Gabby looks up and down at Talise's attire then grins.

"I was wondering where you disappeared to. Guess you had a good night", Gabby says.

"Yeah I'm in need of a shower". Talise enters the bathroom, not needing Gabby's prying questions right now.

She can smell Arsenio's intoxicating cologne in his clothes. She strips and takes a long shower, thinking of how Arsenio felt inside of her last night. In between her legs ache, remembering how deeply he thrusted into her. After her steamy shower she puts his clothes back on and then goes to her room. She decides to work on her art book and let her mind wonder and let her fingers do the magic. There's a knock at her door and she knows it's Gabby and her questions.

"Yeah", Talise answers. Gabby opens the door.

"Who did you go home with last night? I only saw you at the start of the party".

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