Chapter Thirteen: Bare Your Soul

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Harry set down his pencil, having just completed his English final exam, an essay, for Professor Flitwick, and felt a sense of relief wash over him. It was his final exam for the Upper Sixth Form, meaning that, now, all he had to do was go through the customary end-of-year classes, plus gather his exam results, and attend the graduation ceremony and after-party. Harry pushed away from his desk, gathering up his pencils and erasers into his pouch, and stacked his paperwork together. He placed the pencil pouch into his bag and crossed the room, making his way to the diminutive English professor, and handed over his essay.

"Very good, Mr. Potter," Professor Flitwick squeaked with a large smile. He stapled the papers together and nodded his head, placing it on the completed pile, who now housed essays by Hermione, Draco, Neville, Pansy, and Dean, among others. "You're free to go."

Harry nodded. "Thank you, professor," he said, turning around. He gave a wave to Ron and Seamus as he left the room, before he wandered out into the hallway, shutting the door quietly behind him.

Harry knew that Draco and Neville had already taken off for Wiltshire for the weekend, and wouldn't return to campus until Monday, while Hermione was waiting for Ron to be done so that they themselves could go to Devon. Harry mulled over his next move, feeling the weight of his mobile in his pocket. He knew he could call Dora and ask her to come and fetch him with little Teddy, but he didn't want to bother her. He could also wait for Ron to be finished—which could take a bit of time—and then return to the villa with Remus.

Harry walked slowly, considering things then; science final exams were finished, as they took place in the first portion of the day. He knew that he needed to see Severus, as they hadn't spoken, really spoken, since Harry had barged in, completely pissed off his arse, unannounced, into his private rooms. Shaking his head at his behavior, Harry wandered down to the basement of the school and slowly approached the classroom door, tentatively opened it, and made his way inside.

"Severus?" he called, his voice not that loud.

There were footsteps on the inside of the door which led to the professor's inner rooms, and Harry stood his ground as the door opened, and the man himself was standing there. Severus shut the door behind him and stepped forward, his dark eyes filled with something that Harry couldn't quite put his finger on. "Harry."

Harry sighed. "I've come to apologize."

Severus blinked. "Apologize? Whatever for?"

"Look, I had no right to come here that night, completely pissed. I just... I needed to see you, and I knew I needed to keep myself safe," he told him quietly. "I'd made some really bad decisions that night, not just by drinking over my limit, but by getting too close to someone else, another student, but I couldn't do that to you, Severus, not you..."

Severus's mouth thinned. "Which student?"

"Zacharias Smith," Harry replied.

Severus's jaw clenched. "I could see to it that he fails his physics exam, and then he'd have to take it over the summer, if he's got any true desire to attend Cambridge."

Harry shook his head. "No, don't do that," he said softly. "Wires were crossed and signals were missed, and he's apologized since then, and I know he means it." Harry approached Severus then, a small smile on his face. "When are you going to get it?"

"Get what?"

"Get that it's you," Harry replied, reaching out and taking Severus's hand. "It's you. It's always been you, and it's always going to be you."

Severus lowered his eyes down at their clasped hands. "You've sure got a funny way of showing it, Harry."

Harry smirked. "One could say the same for you, Severus."

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