Epilogue: Within You

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"Remus Edward Potter! I hope you're getting ready up there!" Harry called out to his oldest, as he dragged a hand down his face.

"Dad, give me a minute, will you?" came the reply, as Remy stuck his black head out from his bedroom door, the irate expression typical of an eleven-year-old boy.

Harry threw up his hands in mock-surrender. "Sorry. Didn't mean to get your knickers in a twist," he said. "Just, please, be quick. We're due at the school in less than three hours and you have to be in uniform, and all packed..."

Remy rolled his eyes, hating it when his father was right. "Yes, Dad," he replied, his tone quite morose as he stomped back into his room, his blue eyes annoyed.

Harry chuckled to himself, wondering if he'd ever been that difficult as he walked down the hallway towards the kitchen.

"Dad, I'm coming!" came a shout from the direction he walked, and the brown-haired head of his youngest son, Jamie Severus, bounded into the hallway.

Harry grabbed ahold of him to prevent potential smashing and shook his head at his son's reckless behavior. "And where do you think you're going, young man?"

Jamie looked up at Harry and grinned; his eyes were the same green as Harry's. "Well, Papa said I had to make sure all my things were packed accordingly," the nine-year-old said, itching to get out of his father's arms.

Harry smiled indulgently down at him; as the years had gone by, Wartsmoth Academy had extended so as to accommodate a primary school as well, meaning that children as young as four and five could attend. "All right. Go ahead," he said, squeezing his son to him for a moment before he ran off. Shaking his head, Harry continued to the kitchen, and grinned, standing in the doorway and watching his husband of nearly six months dancing around their kitchen with their youngest child and only daughter, Lily, in his arms.

"Head in the clouds, go not weight on my shoulders!" Lily sang.

Severus grinned down at her. "I should be wiser, and realize that I've got..."

"One less problem without ya," Harry said, and Severus flushed, immediately moving to put Lily down, who promptly ran up to Harry.

"Papa has such a lovely voice!" she gushed, and Harry bent down to pick her up.

Severus pinched the bridge of his nose. "Lily Amelia..."

"Oh, don't bring Auntie Amelia into this," Lily said in a scolding tone.

Harry chuckled, watching as Severus turned around and began cooking the sausages, eggs, potatoes, and crepes to be served with a choice of jam or Nutella. "Well now, Miss Lily, I take it that because you're all perfect in your uniform that you're all packed?"

"Since last night," Lily informed him proudly, bouncing out of Harry's arms and moving to take her seat at the circular breakfast table. "Papa..."

"Yes, sweetheart?" Severus asked, adding crepe batter to the pan.

"You will be giving me and the boys special treatment, won't you?"

Harry chuckled, taking his phone out of his pocket. "Ah," he said softly to himself, and moved to answer it.

"Work again?"

Harry shook his head at Severus. "Not the hospital this time," he replied, putting the phone to his ear with a grin. "Hey, Ron," he said, and walked outside.

"Hey, mate. We're on our way."

Harry chuckled. "Lucky you managed to find some vacation time and 'Mione got a moment in between cases," he replied. "How are the kids?"

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