13. Rio

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I pace back and forth in the study waiting for the phone to ring. Rome is sat with his feet up looking deceptively relaxed, but I know its an act, I can feel his emotions as clearly as he can feel mine.

We did everything Amalie asked us to over the weekend, in fact we went above and beyond, even Mom looked shocked at our compliance with everything Amalie asked us to do, but we wanted to keep her as our assistant, she fascinated us.

RIng Ring
"Hello" I put the phone on speaker so Rome could join in.
"Boys congratulations on a successful weekend, both the race and the PR were brilliant, well done.  I've heard nothing but positive things about the two of you" Aunt Lucy praised and we grinned.

"Thanks Aunt Lucy, how was Italy?" Rome asked politely.
"Wonderful, it was a very interesting conference and Paul and I enjoyed it.  There are a number of new initiatives coming forward that will benefit all of our sports" she enthused.

"Good, i'm glad it was successful" I reply.
"Can we say thank you for sending us Amalie, she was great this weekend and helped us enormously" Rome says and I call out "I agree"

"Good but she was just a loan for that weekend, she will stay learning from me, here in the office but we have arranged another assistant who will be joining you next weekend.  Paul Brown, he's been working with the sailing team so has more experience" she tells us and I see Rome scowl.
"Of course, we understand, we just wanted you to know how well she performed" I say through gritted teeth.

The conversation turns to upcoming events and we respond as needed, but I know from the looking in Rome's eyes that he too is planning on how we can get rid of the new assistant.

After we ring off, we sit in silence "We need to get rid of them all until she comes back" Rome states and I agree, wondering how long it will take Aunt Lucy to realise.

Six weeks and three assistants later, we are summoned to a meeting with Aunt Lucy and Uncle Paul, we had been expecting it and were prepared, we knew what we wanted and we're going to fight for it.

"Hey Lindy" I greet as we enter reception.
"Good afternoon boys, they are waiting for you in conference room two" she tells us with a smile. "Try to behave" she adds as we laugh and walk away.
"We do" I call back and she shakes her head at us.

I can see some of the staff giving us wide eyed looks as we walk past and know we have a reputation that's well deserved as being difficult to manage.

Paul and Lucy are waiting for us in the room, we take a quick look around but can't see Amalie but mask the disappointment, we have a job to do, we need to persuade them to make Amalie our assistant.

"Sit down" Uncle Paul barks and we do, waiting for the lecture.
"Why?" Aunt Lucy asks sounding frustrated, and I exchange a look with Rome.

"We don't like them, they order us around and don't help us relax" Rome replies and I watch as Lucy and Paul share an exasperated look.

"I don't understand why this is so difficult, you boys have huge potential and time after time you act up and this can go on, you need an assistant, you agreed to one, so what is going on" Uncle Paul questioned.

"We don't like them" Rome repeats.
"All of them, you've found a fault with all of them?" she argues and I grin.
"No. Not all of them" I reply.

"Is that what this has been about, for the love of... you want Amalie as your assistant" Uncle Paul groans and we nod silently.
"No" Aunt Lucy replies firmly, glaring at us, but then...
"Give me a good reason why" Uncle Paul asks watching us intently.

"She understands the pressure, she doesn't take any shit from us" Rome replies.
"She helped us improve our pre-race warm up and organised PR that we could understand and get behind" I added.

"And?" Uncle Paul pushes.
I exchange a look with Rome, we had agreed we needed to be up front about this.
"And we like her, we respect her and want to make her proud" Rome finishes.

"What if she doesn't want to work with you?" Aunt Lucy queries softly and I know this has nothing to do with us but why Amalie was so twitchy about being touched.

"Then we will respect that, but I think she enjoyed working with us, we don't scare her, we challenge her" I reply.

"Look we know something must have happened to her, and no, we don't know what, but she got us, and we promise not to do anything that will upset her" Rome adds and we see them exchange worried looks.

"Okay, we will discuss it will Amalie, if she agrees we will trial it for three months, but if at any time she wants to return here, she can, no questions, no argument" Uncle Paul states and Aunt Lucy gives a curt nod.

"She may say no" she warns us.
"When will we know?" I ask carefully.
"She's at home with her parents this week, I will let you know Monday" Uncle Paul replies.

We hug them goodbye, knowing that as our godparents they were well aware of how we were, and had given us a lot of leeway so far.
"Give your mother our love, and we'll see you Sunday for lunch" Uncle Paul said showing us out.

"Do you think she'll say yes" I asked Rome as we headed back to the car.
"I hope so, or we will have to come up with another plan" he replies.
"I wish I knew what had happened to her, my mind comes upon with horror stories when I think about it and I hate to think of anything bad happening to her" I tell him and he nods.
"I know what you mean, I can't believe how she's got under our skin"

Possessive: Her Protectors (Kingswood Saga Book 4) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now