Chapter 1 - The Mascot of Team RWBY

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Text in italics is for telepathy.

( Reader P.o.V )

Beacon Academy

I walked along with the human girls... Well, three of them are human but the fourth - black haired one - is smelling strange. They all introduced themselves and I easily could read off of them what kind of people they are when I concentrated.

Ruby was an innocent girl who wanted to be a hero. I could feel her great sense of justice and the need for helping everyone, the reason why she didn't want me going away. She also has an obsession about weapons since when I pointed at her weapon she told me everything about it... Of course I didn't get most of the stuff but since I payed attention she got very happy.

Weiss is cold or at least tries to hide her diffrent side. For someone who can read emotions I can tell that her teammates also don't fall for her cold demanour. The moment I was near her she was filled with child-like excitment and interest, probably about what I am.

Blake tries to be hidden about her emotions but I can sense them easily. She's nervous and feels guilty but is also filled with determination. She wants to fix her mistakes... Whatever they might be. She also has a secret... A tiny little secret she's hiding and feels very embarrassed about...

Yang is Ruby's older sister and even if I couldn't read emotions it was easily felt. She held great concern for her younger sister but also wanted her to grow up. She was like a vulcano of anger when she was fighting those Grimm while now she is a cheerful girl. I'd like to spar with her since she's also martial artist...

After a bit of walking we reached a place they call 'Beacon Academy'. The construction itself is truly majestic and even a wild Pokemon such as myself can appriciate the way humans built it. I concentrated for a little bit feeling large amount of humans inside, swarming like insects in a hive, but there was one that dominated over all of them at the top of the tower.

Ruby : Hey, you okay?

(Y/N) : Lu. ( Yes. )

I nod looking around and some of the humans around were staring at me with wide eyes. I didn't enjoy their stares but I expected to become the center of attention the moment I'll get here.

Yang : Well, as long as Goodwitch isn't waiting for us it's not going to be too bad.

Blake : You said it...

??? : Team RWBY!

Blake : ...Way too early.

Just then a woman walked over to us. She was an adult and the aura she had caused everyone else to show respect to her and get out of the way. The moment she stood in front of the girls staring them down, I could sense slight fear coming from them. I knew that she wasn't an enemy but someone equal to an angry mother.

Ruby : A-Ah! Miss Goodwitch!

Yang : It was just a small training!

Glynda : A small training outside of school bounds, in Grimm-infested forest without any supervision! You are in trouble!

Weiss : ...Said so...

Glynda : We're going to Ozpin- ...What did you brought with you?

Ruby : Well this is our new friend, (Y/N)! He's a Lucario?

Woman walked over to me but I didn't show any sign of being threathen. I could feel that at the moment concern for her student is overflowing from her being followed by suspision... I stood still as she looked me right in the eyes.

Glynda : What is your goal here and what you are?

The moment we locked our eyes I tried to create a bond so I could communicate with her. She seems far more responsible than the girls I came here with. Soon I managed to get a small link.

(Y/N) : As the girls said I am Lucario and they named me (Y/N). My actual goal is to find out where I am and how to get back to my world...

Glynda : Is this a telepathic link?

(Y/N) : Yes. I've never had a trainer so doing it with a human is hard...

Glynda : Will you cooperate?

(Y/N) : As long as I won't feel threathen I will comply. Not like I know much about this world.

Glynda : Very well. Let us move, we're going to Ozpin's office. That includes you too girls, you're still in trouble.

Yang : I hoped she forgot about us...

She walked off and we followed her. I looked around the sizable corridors filled with humans going either way or standing near the wall with others. Upon closer inspection I noticed that many of those humans have parts that I haven't seen upon any humans in my world. I have to find out more about this when I get a chance... Humans in my world could breed with Pokemon.

Soon we reached a dead end but it opened showing a tiny room... They walked in so I followed them inside. Suddenly the door closed and ground started to move. Soon we came to a stop as the door opened and I found myself in a large room with books. Near a furniture on a chair was a man whose seem to be an elder of human species.

This man confused me. His emotions were swirling like a hurricane. Coldness, calculation, warmth, kindness, darker side, guilt and so many others. It compares to nothing I've felt throught my entire life...

Glynda : Professor Ozpin, I've brought them.

Ozpin : Thank you Glynda. Team RWBY and you are?

Ruby : This is (Y/N)! Our newest best friend who also has a Semblance!

Ozpin : I haven't heard anything about an animal with Semblance that looks like this.

I turned to the side and raised my head, giving him a clear message that I don't want to be called like that. Everyone looked sheepishly as I looked away from him with my forepaws crossed.

Ozpin : Did I hurt your feelings? I am very sorry than, what you are?

Glynda : Pokemon, a Lucario to be exact. At least he calls himself that.

Ozpin : Very well, for the time being I'd like for you to stay on school grounds. Glynda, would you help (Y/N) with understanding of this school and the rules?

Glynda : That will be no problem.

Ozpin : And team RWBY, since you've brought him here you will be responsible for him and his wellbeing while being under watchful eye of professor Goodwitch.

Yang : Why? I mean we probably can take care of (Y/N) ourselves! We know how to look after a pet!

Ozpin : In normal circumstainces I would leave it to you but we're talking about a bipedal sentient canine who possess Aura and can use Semblance.

Ruby : When it's said like that...

Weiss : It almost seems like too much responsibility.

Ozpin : This is why professor Goodwitch will be helping with (Y/N).

Yang : Okay then! We'll be going now! Bye!

Ozpin : Also, miss Yang Xiao Long, you and your whole team have a cleaning duty in cafateria for two weeks for breaking school rules. I wish you a good day.

Team RWBY : ...Great...

I couldn't help but chuckle at the girls who were suddenly filled with dread and annyoance was flaring from Weiss who glared at Ruby who shrugged nervously. I belive that staying with them might be a nice change of pace.

The Pet of Aura ( Male Lucario x RWBY )Where stories live. Discover now