Chapter 2 - Show of Strength

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Jaune is female! ...I have a funny plot please do not intervene or be eaten by a Tammy Slime.

( Reader P.o.V )


I was standing next to team RWBY and watching them bicker about me... It's quite a funny sight. Especially since Weiss changes her color to more of a red one with each minute passing. Seems like Ruby tries to calm everything down, Yang is excited about the idea of me knowing how to fight while Blake doesn't seem to care... I'd say so if it wasn't for the fact I can read emotions and she's pretty much suspicious about me.

Ruby : We can't just leave him to sleep on the floor, he's our guest and teammate!

Weiss : He's a dog!

Yang : Even dogs don't just sleep on the ground, Princess!

Ruby : Well, we're both quite small so we can share bed...

Yang : No matter if it's human or pokething he calls himself no guy is sleeping in the same bed as my sis! Well, not as long as I'll approve of him!

Blake : You know why I don't want to share with him.

Yang : I toss around in my sleep a lot! That leaves you, Ice Queen!

Weiss : Don't I have something to say about this?!

Yang : Nope! Besides you also have a small posture so you should fit no worries!

Weiss : Ugh, you! ...Whatever.

It took them quite a while to drop the responsibility onto one of them. They all went to wash up and change into their pajamas. I went towards Weiss' bed but before I could even sit on it she grabbed my paw.

Weiss : No, no, no! Bath first! You're all dirty!

I looked down at myself. Hmmm, but a little bit of dirt but if she wants me to it's better than getting her more angry than she already is. I entered the same room they did before and looked around the place filled with strange things... How do I use it?

Ruby : Do you need help? I get that you may want privacy but I wasn't sure if you know how to use shower so...

(Y/N) : Yes, I'd appriciate that.

Ruby : Wow, your voice is so deep...

She opened glass door and told me enter it. The moment I did, she messed with a metal part sticking out of the wall and suddenly water rained down at me. I looked up seeing the long metal part with holes on the underside was spraying water on me.

Ruby : Here, you can use my shampoo! I-I hope you don't mind rose smell?

She gave me a tube made of some strange materials and order about how to use it properly. I got all my fur covered in it and than washed it all off with the water. I stepped out of the 'shower' as Ruby called it and she looked at me with horror of realization. I'm sorry Ruby, but this is stronger than me...

Ruby : (Y/N), wait! Ahh!

Girls bursted into the bathroom after Ruby's scream but they soon started to laugh loudly. My fur was all puffy while Ruby was dripping wet - much like the rest of the bathroom - with an annoyed look on her. In next few minutes the rest of her team used the machines named 'hair dryer' to get us dry. My fur got even puffier than before and they used combs to get it under control.

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