*The Meeting*

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Am I dreaming? 

The Meeting

Nathalie´s Pov

I could feel the warm breath against my naked shoulders. The staring eyes behind me, burning into my soul, revealing all of my darkest secrets and thoughts. I quickly turn around to see a pair of confused and threatening green eyes belonging to the curly haired boy behind me, who clearly was drunk.

 Good first impression I thought.

 “Hum, I´m sorry can I help you?” I could hear the rusty words slip through my peach colored lips. I waited for the answer to come. Nothing. He couldn´t even manage to nod his head or crack out a simple “yes”. How rude. He smelled disgusting. A mix of smoke and licker reached my nose, making me crave for fresh air. I, once again, turned my stilettos to walk away, leaving him there right on that exact spot, but I wasn´t quick enough. Cause´ all of a sudden I feel two strong arms around my waist, and a grip tightening around it. “Where do think you´re going, love?” The shuddery worlds coming from his mouth. His face looking dark in front of the streetlight.  That voice brought something back to me, a long gone memory from before. I couldn´t possibly have met this creep before, could I? “Let me go!” My voice loud as a scream. I was just about to kick him in the nuts when my actions were being interrupted by a second voice coming just a few meters away from our place in the street.

“Let her go Harry!” The voice was angry and harsh, but he clearly was trying not to upset his obvious friend even more than he already was. The guy was coming closer and was now standing right in front of us, about to release Harry´s grip of me, and that´s when I realize. These guys were clearly not any ordinary boys having a night out at the club. No they were actually Louis Tomlinson- and from what I could tell it was Harry Styles being a total jerk to me. Two boys out of five from the world famous boy band One Direction. One, still holding me next to his strong body and one behind me trying to release me from the first one´s grip. Three more voices cut through the darkness in the almost empty street. There they all were. Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson- and not to forget, Harry Styles who just couldn´t seem to let go of me.

“Come on mate, you will have to let her go sooner or later ya know.” I knew that voice. It was the Irish one. Niall. 

After Niall´s voice were gone I heard another one. Close to my ear. In fact I could even feel the soft lips against my ear, it tickled me and I tried very hard not to bust out in laughter. “You know I won´t let you leave only because they tell me so, right?” It sounded a bit like a question, a rather weird one. I tried to turn my head to look at him. I faced him and we stared in to each other’s eyes. His green eyes were compelling and I was soon stuck. “So what? Now you´re going from insult to being all lovy dovey?” Louis voice rang through the air and my ears snapped it up. I didn´t want to blush, but hey I can´t really control my body, can I? The redness appeared on my face and a little smile was trying to reach for my lips. Lucky enough I managed to keep it down and slowly let it die.

The grip I now had gotten used to loosened and I could step away to look at all of the boys.

Harry still seemed to be in some sort of trance by all the licker he must have slipped down his throat. Louis were scratching his neck, trying to be discreet but failed. The silence were being broken by Liam saying:

“I am terribly sorry about what happened. It is not like Harry at all. I hope you weren´t being frightened by it…” All I could do was nod, hoping that I looked quite understanding. He was hoping I wasn´t frightened?

I had almost peed my pants, that´s how scared- and in lots of shock I was. I tried to smile a bit but failed big times, probably looking like I was about to cry. I could now feel another pair of arms around me, seeing that it was Louis and not Harry this time. How sweet, he tried to comfort me. He was like the big brother I never got to have. I buried my face in his shoulder, trying to hold back my tears that were pushing from the inside of my green-blue eyes. Feeling a tiny tear streaming down my cheek I tried to brush it away unnoticed. I was shocked. I hadn´t really cried in what, months? I had promised myself not to cry after my sister had passed away. I didn´t want to waste my tears. And I most surely did not want to waste them on some boy I just met. I released myself from Louis ´grip and stepped a few decimeters away to look at him. 

Am I dreaming? (Harry Styles fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now