*Niam are being discovered*

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  • Dedicated to Tilda Kronqvist

So I know this isn´t as long as I had hoped for but it will have to do for the moment.

I am having autumn break now so maybe I will get the chance to write some more during this forthcoming week. 

So in this chapter called "Niam are being discovered", you might understand a little from the title what it is going to be about but that is not all, I can guaranty that it is not. It will also apppear two new character´s, say hello to Tilda and Filippa who are my friends since a few years back. They sort of begged me to be in this fiction so I said, Yeah why not. 

Just so that everyone will understand this is quite a challenge for me, partly since I´m not having english as my first language, but also since it wasn´t my plan from the beginning to have all these characters and realationships in it. For somebeody it might be too much, while for other it will be just perfect. 

I don´t know how you are thinking so I´d love to get some comments on what to do better, if not I assume there is nothing to do better. That is the only way of seeing it i guess.

Anyways I won´t keep you buisy with my talk for too long so I´m just gonna say: here´s the new chapter. Enjoy! :)

Love Miranda xx 


“I knew something was going on!” she screamed loudly.

“I could sense that something wasn´t really right, from the store.

From the store!”

“But El… Hun-“I was trying to defend myself by the sudden attack from my girlfriend.

“Clearly I was right! What on earth are you doing in here, with her!?” She was al red in her face and it wasn´t because of some kind of embarrassment it was because of the anger she was carrying at.

Fanny stood there, motion- and speechless. She looked terrified. I felt the same way.

Never before had Eleanor been this suspicious of me meeting with another girl than her. 

I was quite shocked from her unexpected blow up of complete anger.

“But- but…” I said low.

 “No buts, just tell me what she is doing here!” She yelled at me.

“She came here because of her recent breakup with her boyfriend. And she needed someone to talk to, and because of the lovely human being I am I was kind enough to be the person talking to her!!” I talked in the beginning but was now almost screaming at her. I took a deep breath.

 Eleanor looked a bit hurt but she still had anger showing in her eyes.

Fanny murmured something about that she would leave us alone and simply left the room, leaving me and Eleanor behind, standing- crossed arms- looking mad at each other.

When Fanny had slammed the door shut Eleanor said, a little calmer “Okay, but that still doesn´t answer for how you know her.”

“Well we met at… hum. That night…. Hum… you know” I said, stumbling on the worlds I tried to force out from my mouth.

“What? What happened? Something happened with you two involved didn´t it?”

She said and I could now hear the uncertainty in her sweet voice.

“Yes Eleanor something happened”

“Like what? You cheated on me?” She murmured loudly and I could see the tension in her cheeks while throwing out the words.

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