*Please Forgive Me*

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  • Dedicated to Clara Sundström

Am I dreaming?

Please Forgive Me

Nathalie´s Pov

“Take it easy I´m coming!” I yelled from upstairs when the sound of a bell woke me up.

Gees it was like seven in the morning or something and I had barely gotten any sleep this night. I couldn´t stop thinking about him. Whit his green eyes and curly hair. Those eyes made me melt like butter in the sun.

I moaned as I reached for my watch to see it was 1.00 in the afternoon.

I reached for the ceiling like a cat and then stepped out of the bed. I pulled a grey hoodie over my head and put my mess of a hair up in a high ponytail.

I figured no-one but I was home since the door kept on ringing with only a few seconds apart. I ran down the stairs, completely unaware of what was waiting me outside that door of mine.

I twitched the lock and pulled the handle down.

A surprised face was now attached to my face when I saw who it was outside my door this sunny afternoon. It was not one, but two members of One Direction standing there. One with a big smile on his lips and the other trying to hide behind the first.

“Morning Nat. May I call you Nat by the way?”

Louis made his way through the door and shuffled me aside.

I nodded my head yes and managed to smile at him as I saw him slink through, making his way to the kitchen.

Harry just stood there, awkwardly, seeming to want to sink through the asphalt on the driveway.

“Hi.” He scratched the back of his head. He was nervous. I was shocked. Harry Styles was nervous, in front a girl, and that girl just happened to be me.

I continued smiling since that apparently was the only thing to do in this situation.

“I… I brought you something.” He handed me a little box wrapped in a shining red paper with a band in silver. How sweet, I wonder… but my thoughts were being interrupted by a cough. I looked up from the trance I was in. “Thanks. What is it for?” I didn´t understand why he gave me this gift. Was he trying to prove something or what?

“Well. If you let me in I can explain so you´ll understand” The nervousness he just had showed was now gone. Instead there was a sign of self-confidence in his eyes. Don´t look in his eyes Nathalie. You told yourself, making a gesture for him to go inside so that you could shut the door.

I walked to the living room with Harry following. In the beige sofa there was a boy with brown hair and blue eyes sitting, chumming on a carrot. This carrot eating boy was, as you might understand, Louis.

“I´m sorry I was just so hungry…” He said looking guilty. “It´s okay Lou” I said and dropped down in the sofa, next to him. He gave a meaning look at Harry and said “Haz, wasn´t there something you were gonna tell sweet Nat here?” “Hum” Harry said, looking down at the ground trying to avoid any eye contact. “I´m sorry. About last night. I was drunk. It is so not like me. I hope you… understand.” He s

So that was what it was all about. Last night. Well I had freaked out but I know he didn´t attend to do any of what happened. Luckily the boys got there on time; otherwise he would probably be apologizing for something much more worse. 

“It. It is okay. I mean I did get scared but thanks to your lovely friends I think I will survive” I tried to laugh but soon the laughter died away and it was silent.

“Well, consider that a gift of peace or something.” He smiled at me and I smiled back. “Should I open it?” I asked to no one in particular. “Yes. Do so” Louis was as excited as a child on Christmas eve. I slowly unwrapped the paper from the box. It revealed a Brandt saying Thomas Sabo. “Harry you didn´t need to…” My words died as I opened the white box, seeing what was inside. It was a bracelet in silver and it had the most beautiful symbol I´ve ever seen. It was a heart, also in silver and something was written at it. ´Please forgive me for my actions, your Harry x´. It was adorable. And expensive, I couldn’t believe he actually had laid out that kind of money on me, a simple girl. Well my parents weren´t really sad when it came to money since my father was a producent for movies and my mother was a designer so I knew what It was like to be ´daddy’s girl´. But still.

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