Chapter - Six (Haven)

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I woke up and immediately sat up, sure that yesterday had been a dream. But sure enough, I was in my dorm room and there were three empty beds. I reached for my phone and flipped it open. I had three missed calls and four new texts. I looked at my texts first.


Call me!!!

Where are you?!?

Anytime would be great to call…

All of them were from Emily. I shook my head and laughed silently. I looked at my calls next, two were from my mom and one was from Emily. I dialed my home number and I heard my mom pick up on the first ring.

“Oh honey, I’m so glad you called, I’ve been waiting for you to call me forever!” she said happily.

“Yeah it’s good to talk to you too.” I said not knowing what else to say.

“How do you like the campus? Are your roommates nice?” she bombarded me with questions.

“Yeah, it’s beautiful here. And my roommates are great, I think I’m going to get along great with them.” I said, hoping she wouldn’t ask more. I didn’t really feel like telling my mom I was sharing a room with three guys.

“That’s good. I’m really glad you’re happy honey. I have to go to work so call me later. Love you.”

“Love you too mom.” I said and she hung up. Next, I called Emily’s cell. It took her longer to answer than my mom did and I was just about to hang up when she picked up.

Hello?” she said, sounding like she had just woken up.

“Hey, it’s me!” I said.

“Oh my god Haven! I miss you so much; life has been so boring here without you! How are you? Tell me everything!”

“Ok, calm down. I miss you too, but it’s only been a day. It’s beautiful here; I wish you could see it! Oh, and guess what?” I said, really missing my best friend.

“What?” she asked catching on to my excited voice.

“I have to share a dorm with three guys!” she was speechless for a second.

“No f-ing way, are you serious? Tell me about them!”

“Ok hmm…” where to start. “Well ok so there’s Aaron who’s this dark and mysterious guy, I’m not so sure about him, and then there’s Ryan who is a definite bad boy, very sexy. Then there’s Danny who’s cute but pretty emo, and really nice.”

“Oh my god! You are so lucky!” she practically yelled with excitement.

“Yeah, I know!” I said.

“And Guess what?” Emily asked me in a tone that said she had some good gossip.


“Ok you’ll never believe this, but Kristi’s going out with Matt!” Oh my god, Emily was right I wouldn’t have ever believed that. Kristi was Emily’s little sister, she was only fifteen, two years younger than us, and she was already going out with Matt? I mean, Matt was a good guy and all, but he was two years older than Kristi and not to mention my ex boyfriend.

“Wow.” was all I could say.

“Okay, I have to go or else I’m going to be late for church but I’ll call you later.”

“Ok. See you later, Em.” She hung up, and I shook my head still in shock. I got up and took a shower, letting the hot water wash away all my worries. I shut off the water and changed into a jean skirt and a red tank top. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and went out into the living room where Aaron was writing an essay. I looked around, expecting to see Danny and Ryan but I couldn’t find them anywhere.

“Where are the other guys?” I asked Aaron, who looked up at me in shock like he had not heard me come in.

“Umm I think they went to get breakfast.” He said although something in his voice made me unsure that he was telling the truth.

“Oh, Ok then.” I was feeling a little awkward since it was just me and Aaron but I didn’t know what to say so I just kept my mouth shut and looked at the ground. When I couldn’t stand the silence anymore and looked up, I caught Aaron staring at me and our eyes locked, but he didn’t look away so I finally did. His silver eyes were so beautiful and deep, like you could fall forever in them. I couldn’t read his expression, but he wasn’t glaring at me and I took that as a good sign.

“I’m going to go get some breakfast too then.” I said and left the room before Aaron could say anything. I walked down to the cafeteria, and went to stand in the long line. I filled my plate up with scrambled eggs and toast and then went to sit in the same table I had sat at before. As I ate my eggs, I scanned the room for Danny and Ryan but I couldn’t see them. Where were they and why did Aaron lie to me? I pondered those questions as I picked at the rest of my breakfast.

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