Chapter - Forty Six (Haven)

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I followed Damian outside, wondering who I would possibly want to meet. I couldn’t think of anyone. We walked out the back door of the kitchen, and found ourselves on a secluded beach. In a way it reminded me of my California home, but this was much more… private. Palm trees and other tropical plants were scattered along the sand, and I was taken aback at the beauty of it all. I could definitely see why Jared chose to live here of all places.

The hot sand burned the bottoms of my feet as we walked over it, and I regretted my decision to go barefoot today.

“Ow. Crap. Damian, where the hell are we going?” I asked him, trying to walk in his shadow. It made no difference though, the sand was still scorching. Damian laughed at my pain, and I shot a glare at him. You would think that being a vampire would make this hurt less, but it didn’t.

“You sound like a whiney little kid. If you start asking ‘are we there yet’, I might just slap you.” He said jokingly and I scoffed at him. Damian would never hit a girl. Actually… he just might, I thought.

“Whatever.” I grumbled and he laughed a little.

“We’re almost there.” He said, pointing at a grove of pine trees. I sighed in relief, excited to reach the shade they provided. The walk would be about five minutes for a human, but Damian and I, thanks to our vampire speed, made it in about two.

As we neared the trees, I saw something lying in the sand. At first I thought it was a person, but the shape wasn’t right. Some sort of animal, maybe? Yes, it was definitely an animal. The creature was covered in think dark fur. At first I thought it was black, but it had a purple-ish tint to it in the sun. We reached the grove of trees, and I sighed as my burning feet finally found relief. I also was able to get a better look at the creature, and I recognized it.

“A dog, Damian? Really? You made me walk all this way so you could introduce me to a dog?” I looked at him disbelievingly, and he let out a short laugh.

“Not exactly.” We took a couple steps closer, and I realized that I had been wrong before. This wasn’t a dog, no, this was a wolf. I had never seen a wolf before, and I was struck by its beauty and aura of power. I was still confused as to the point of this though.

“Alright, well I still don’t know how you expect to introduce me to a wolf.” I protested. At the sound of my voice the animal cracked one of its eyes open, revealing a bright violet iris, with flecks of green scattered throughout. The pupils were slitted like a cats. In fact, it reminded me of my own now, despite the color difference. We locked eyes for a second, my silver ones with its purple ones, before the animal wolf turned its attention to Damian. A spark lit in its eyes as it took in his features.

Then, before my very eyes, the wolf started to change. I watched the slow process as the wolf slowly turned into a girl, perhaps a little older than myself. When I saw her naked form I quickly averted my eyes, but looked back when she wrapped a towel around her slender form.

I took a moment to look her over. The girl had the same animalistic beauty as the wolf. She was very pale, especially for someone living in Florida. Dark hair flowed over her muscular body to about her waist, and in it were streaks of purple. What unnerved me most were her eyes though, they had not changed at all.

“You’re a werewolf?” I blurted out, before I could think. Was it rude to ask someone that? Was it like asking a woman her age? The girl had been looking at Damian, but at the sound of my voice she had whipped her head towards me, with animal like reflexes. Her gaze lingered on me for a second, studying me intensely. After a moment she smiled, revealing a row of shiny white teeth, all of which ended in points. I couldn’t stop the chill that ran up my spine. There was no doubt in my mind that those were sharp.

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