Chapter - Forty Three (Haven)

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Before I knew what I was doing, I closed the already-small distance between Aaron and me, crashing my lips to his. I couldn’t stop myself. Whatever feelings I had felt for Aaron before I became a vampire were intensified by a thousand now, and it was impossible for me not to act on those feelings. His musky scent fogged up my mind, and suddenly the only thing that mattered was kissing him.

When my lips first brushed his nothing happened, his body was too tense with shock. I pressed my lips harder, hoping for some sort of response, only to find him still rigid. This would not do. I weaved my fingers tightly through his dark hair, loving how soft it was. As I ran my tongue over his bottom lip, it was as if something had awakened inside of him.

Suddenly he was kissing me back, with an intensity I had not thought possible. Our mouths moved together in perfect sync, as if we were made for each other. With the hand that wasn’t grasping his hair, I trailed my fingers along the smooth skin of his chest, taking in the feel of him. I could see goose bumps form where I touched him, and I loved that I had this sort of affect on him. Maybe now he would understand the things he does to me.

His lips moved from my lips to my jaw, trailing small kisses along it until he reached my neck. I jumped a little when I felt sharp teeth nick my neck. The bite had not been hard enough to draw blood, but it had made me emit a low moan, which in turn made me blush immensely. I could feel Aaron’s smirk against my skin, and my blush deepened. I pulled Aaron back up, so his lips were once again pressed against mine. Now it was my turn to have fun. I took his bottom lip between my teeth, biting slightly. I felt his sharp intake of breath against my mouth, and I smiled smugly, pleased with myself.

Aaron deepened the kiss, slowly moving me backwards. I fell onto the bed, grateful for the comfy mattress and soft pillows for breaking my fall. Aaron moved so that he was over me, locking me into place. In one large hand he grasped both of mine, holding them above my head. I didn’t bother trying to get out. He ran the other hand lightly along my side, causing shivers to run down my spine. It was as if my skin was on fire, every place he touched me left me with a burning sensation. A very good burning sensation. We kissed like this for a couple more minutes before he rolled off of me with a sigh.

“We can’t do this.” He groaned, covering his face with his hand. I could tell he didn’t want to stop from his body’s reaction to me though.

“Do what?” I asked, giving him an innocent smile.

“You know what.” He rolled his eyes at me. I did know, but he didn’t have to know that.

“Where are you going?” I asked, as he got off the bed.

“To go… take a shower. You don’t have to stay up. I will be to bed soon.” I blushed when I realized what he meant. He walked to his closet before going to a door that I hadn’t noticed before. I assumed it lead to the bathroom.

“Goodnight, Haven.” He whispered before turning off the light and closing the bathroom door behind him. I smiled to myself as I snuggled into the warm blankets.


“Are you awake?” A deep voice whispered into my ear. I opened my eyes to see Aaron, with his arms wrapped around me. It took me a second before I remembered the events of last night, and apparently I wasn’t the only one who remembered. “We need to talk about last night.”

“What about last night?” I groaned, dreading talking about it. I was so embarrassed, I had practically attackedAaron. Then again, he seemed to have really liked it…

“Haven, you know what.”

“I know.” I groaned, hiding my face. I did know what, but that didn’t mean I wanted to talk about it. “I couldn’t control myself; I don’t know what came over me.”

“I know.” He said.

“You know?” I asked, cocking an eyebrow at him.

“Yeah, I wasn’t really in control of myself either.” He sounded almost sheepish.

“Oh I could tell.” I smirked at him, and his cheeks reddened. “I won’t let it happen again.” I told him, even though I really, really wanted it to.

“I don’t really think we can stop it Haven, it’s going to happen again.” He didn’t sound too disappointed about that and I smiled.

“You can’t know that.”

“I do know that.”

“How?” I challenged him, not expecting him to have an answer.

“Because we’re… never mind.” He dropped the sentence and I looked at him suspiciously.

“We are what?” I asked, but only got a mumble in response. “What?”

“Mates. We are mates Haven.” Aaron said, looking away from me. Something clicked in my mind, that is what Jared had been talking about. But what did it mean?

“Mates?” I asked, not sure how I felt about that.

“It’s a vampire thing.” He explained. That figured. “Every vampire has another vampire mate out there, just sometimes it takes hundreds of years to find them. And some vampires never find theirs because their mate was never turned into a vampire. That’s why mated vampires are so rare. Most of us just find someone to spend the time with. Take Jared for example, he found multiple people to spend his life with, but they aren’t his mates.”

“But we’re mated?” I asked, this whole thing was a shock to me. It was almost too much to handle.

“Yes and no. We are mates. But we’re not mated yet. That requires a certain… ceremony. I’ll get back to you on that one later.” He smiled to myself, and I had an idea about what that ceremony entitled.

“But what does it mean?”

“Well,” he began. “We will always feel this pull towards each other, and it will get stronger over time. Last night was an example of that.”

I blushed as I thought about the previous night, but at the same time a sense of longing overcame me. I stared at Aaron, taking in all of his beautiful features before leaning in to kiss my mate.

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