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From a few days preeta was feeling restless. A new feeling has controlled her heart. Bt she is not able to name it.
Looks like very mysterious n sounds mysterious too. Her love has changed completely in these past few days or u can say the turning point came when she became 23rd last year..

It's all about feeling something mysterious n filled with thriller.
In these past few  days she has seen a lot of changes in her life.

She has seen her best fd cum soul sister is sleeping in bed soullessly n her strange feeling like a  huge storm will come which will either blow all her pain or Will blow her.

Only god n I know what Will happen 😜😜😜😜 actually guys i myself don't know what Will happen .

But ya preeta got to know that someone has come .

N yes remember something happens which shocked preeta in previous part so let's get to know.....

Phone fell from her hand she was shocked listening the news...
She was thinking in herself ...I mean how could this happen. The person she talked to yesterday was no more. The doc. who checked sakshi yesterday is brutally killed by someone. .

Bt who could do this or i should say who  couldn't.....

Preeta (    stammering     ): how could....this could he die....N that also so brutally.

Then she fuddenly feel someone whispering in her ears "oooooohhh"

she fearly turns back m shocked that sakshi wasn't on bed .

She was shouting calling her name but in vain.

On the other hand..
A guy n a girl were talking to each other. The guy I'd Edward n the girl is sakshi urf dianna.

Edward (angry) : u know na how much i love u .how much I care about u. U know I will die if something happens to  u. Still u were not able to protect urself...Why( shouts in anger)

Sakshi: I know ed u love me n I love u too .U know this right. It was just i was going to tell u everything bt...

Interrupted by edward...

Edward: no not a word. Ur safety is very important for me. U are my responsibility ,a part of my soul i can't live without   . I can't risk ur life. U will do what I say ok.

Sakshi: okkh!!! (sadly )

The conversation between edward n dianna is muted.

Then after 20 min she saw sakshi coming outside from washroom with drying her wet hairs.

Preeta was shocked to see her.

katra katra:preeran version Where stories live. Discover now