Chapter 5

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"Alright, start talking." April said as we flew out over the ocean.

"Someone else was there. Someone working for Rain."

"If she hired you, then why set you up?" Erika asked.

"Because, Rain is the owner of a big corporation, a corporation that probably has ties to different governments and high up organizations. If word got out that she killed a former employee, she'd spend the rest of her life behind bars, if she wasn't killed first. She needed someone like me to take the fall, a ghost that no one would miss."

"It happens all the time." April added. "Some big-time, hotshot wants someone out of their way, so they hire a lowly hitman to do their dirty work. Then, they kill them off to tie up loose ends. They pick people like us because we have no connection to anyone or anything, which makes it easier to get rid of us without any trace. The question is, what makes you so special?" She asked, glancing at Erika.

Erika shook her head. "I don't know why she'd want me dead. I've never even met her."

I gave her a confused look. "Didn't you work for The Rain Corporation?"

She nodded. "Yes, but in a low level. I've heard of Miss Rain, but people in my department have never met her. We've never even seen her."

"They fired you, right?" April asked.

Erika nodded.

"What were you working on before you got fired?"

"Nothing huge, just a computer chip. A highly advanced one, but still just a chip."

"How many of you were working on it?" April asked.

"Just the three of us."

"Did anyone else in the company know about it?" I asked.

She shook her head. "No, a woman visited my office one day and told me Miss Rain wanted me to help create a special chip that would revolutionize modern technology as we knew it."

"A company known for their military weaponry asked you to make a special chip and that didn't strike you as a little ominous?" I asked.

   "No. We do all kinds of stuff there. Making operating systems for phones and computers, technology that eventually finds its ways into cars and planes. Anything military oriented is a different department."

I sighed, more confused then ever. "We're gonna need the names of the other two people working with you and any information we can get on that chip."

"Give me a computer and a couple days and you'll have all the information you need." Erika replied.

I nodded before leaning back in my seat, letting all the information swirl around in my head...

April gave us a lift back to the hideout.

She turned to me before I got out. "Good luck and try not to get yourself killed."

I gave her a small smile. "Thanks."

Then, I stepped out, leading Erika to the entrance.

"I never got your name." She said.

I stopped and turned to her.

   "Carlie." I said, sticking my hand in her direction.

She took it. "Erika, it's nice to officially meet you... I hope."

I let go of her hand. "Trust me, I will get to the bottom of this and save both our asses."

Then, I unlocked the door and led Erika inside.

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