Chapter 9

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I pulled up a chair, sitting next to April and Peggy.

Erika sat nervously in front of us, rubbing her forearm.

"Listen, if we're gonna get out of this mess, we need to know everything you know." Peggy said.

"No more bullshit, just the truth." I added.

Erika sighed, lowering her head. "The chips created for Project Mind Control weren't for missiles, it was all a cover-up."

"Then, what were they for?" April asked.

"They were next level technology, the likes of nothing ever seen before. They connected directly to the central nervous system."

"Meaning?" I asked.

"Meaning, if implanted, the person in charge can see what you see, hear what you hear, and track you anywhere on the globe. They're virtually untraceable and have a built in kill switch."

I lowered my head. "Just in case you get caught."

"Why not just flip the switch on yours?" Peggy asked.

"Why go through all this trouble?" April added.

"Mine was just a prototype. When I found out about the kill switch order, I resigned. I'm not in the business of killing." She replied, leveling a slight glare towards me.

I stood up, rubbing my forehead. "So, why have you and your co-workers killed?"

"Simple, that kill switch order was highly illegal. If anyone in the U.S. government found out about it, they'd have her head."

"So, she is dealing with someone other than America." Peggy said.

Erika nodded.

   "Who?" April asked.

   Erika sighed. "That I don't know."

   "Did you recognize the woman in London?" I asked.

   Erika shook her head. "Never seen her before in my life. But, there was another woman. Rain always had her at her side."

   "Blonde, built like a brick shit-house?" I asked.

   Erika nodded. "You've met her?"

   "Briefly, she called her Blaze. Probably just another Black-Ops wannabe." I replied.

"Rain sure knows how to pick 'em." Peggy said, lowering her head.

A silence filled the room after that, everyone's minds racing. There was still so much we didn't know about Miss Rain, or her accomplices, or what the hell she was planning. It was a lot to take in, for everyone.

   April stood, grabbing our attention. "Well, we can't stay here. So, pack your things, we're headed for Jamaica in the morning."

   Then, she disappeared, followed shortly after by Peggy.

   I grabbed a beer and leaned against the counter.

   Erika stood, hesitantly walking up behind me. "Hey, um, can we talk?"

   I stood straight. "No."

   Then, I headed for my room, determined to get some rest for tomorrow.

I sat on the edge of my bed, filling the last bag for our trip tomorrow, when I heard a knock on my door.

I looked up at it. "Who is it?"

"Peggy." Came her response.

I sighed as I stood, making my way over to the door.

"What's up?" I asked after pulling the door open.

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