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Sorry that I haven't updated in a while I've been kinda sick and otherwise busy. Enjoy!

Darryl's POV

"I'm going to get ready for bed." I say getting off the couch looking to my best friend and new roommate. Zak nodded "I should too." He follows me to the hallway splitting up into our separate rooms.

I get into my room opening my dresser drawers, tossing out clothes until I find what I want to wear to bed. I finally find a black short sleeved shirt along with some gray sweatpants. I quickly throw them on heading into the bathroom to brush my teeth. After I'm done with that I go back out into the living room and plop myself down on the couch waiting for zak.

A few minutes later Zak comes out of his room in a blue t-shirt and black sweatpants. "Can I borrow one of your hoodies?" He asks rubbing his arm. "Sure. They're in my closet." I smile.

He makes his way into my room coming out a few minutes later with an oversized black hoodie. He looked so cute in it. "It looks so cute on you." I blush, realizing what I said. Zak's face goes red. "T-Thanks."

He walks over to the couch and sits down next to me. I grab the remote turning on Friends. Zak slides closer to me laying his head on my shoulder. I look down at him and my face turns I bright pink as he snuggles even more into my side. I put my arm around his waist pulling him a bit closer laying a quick kiss on the top of his head.

He looked up his face a deep red. "W-." I cut him off, slamming my lips to his. At first he was shocked then he melted into the kiss. We pulled apart both a very deep shade of red. "I love you." I say smiling. "I-I love you too."
Sorry this was really short. I've been pretty busy lately but I will try to update when I can. I love you muffins stay safe :3

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