Chapter 2

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It was her first day at her new school.
"Urgh I'll make new friends, chill at the books in the stupendous library," she giggled. She loved being goofy.

As soon as she entered the classroom, she saw a group of Russians sitting side by side while 3 Indians sitting all alone. It was a very bizarre situation and she was curious to know why they were sitting apart.

"Hello there, I don't know anyone here, I'm a new student....may I sit next to you if you dont mind, you seem to be quite friendly," Radhika muttered.

Radhika was expecting a solicitous response from the blonde girl next to her. However the blond girl gave her a very cold response which she thought was very insulting.

She then thought of sitting next to the Indian girl, Amira, who was also a new student. Radhika found her pleasant and cooperative. Infact she even asked Radhika to join her for lunch.

Radhika was in a jovial mood after meeting Amira. They had so much in common. Even though, they had just met, she could feel a connection towards Amira. Radhika didn't have a sister but she had always wanted one and after meeting Amira, it felt like she found a sister even though she was not from the same mother.

"Hey there" a girl with green eyes greeted Radhika
"Oh hey" Radhika uttered
"Would love to be friends with you!" the girl with green eyes exclaimed. Radhika thought that was very sweet of her and definitely told her to join her and Amira for lunch.

What happened the next day was shocking!

The next day, The girl who was hanging out with Radhika and Amira went to her other friend. She turned her back on them. Radhika was left dazed and confused.

The girl with green eyes was definitely playing games with them.

" Hey Alice, I'm so confused, why were you being so friendly at first and now .....uhh....all of a sudden, you wanna look the other way when I try to talk to you, why are you doing this?" Radhika questioned Alice.

"Oh guys look, the Indian girl is dying to be friends with me but guess what! I dont think I wanna be friends with girls who come from a land of snakes" Alice said in a very wacky voice.

Radhika was very upset. She had now known that Alice was monstrous and evil. She decided to stay away from Alice.

"I didn't expect this to happen, I thought I would enjoy the second day of school," Radhika muttered under her breath.

"How was your second day at the new school sweetie?" Radhikas mom asked as soon as she reached home.

"it was horrible mom, I dont wanna talk about it, I'm going in my room," Radhika said as she shed some tears. She was not willing to share anything with anyone. She locked her room and cried her eyes out.

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