Chapter 3

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It was her third day at school. She was extremely anxious.

As soon as she entered her classroom, she saw a group of Russians talking in their language while the teacher was there teaching, they didn't bother to look to his direction, everyone was just busy in their own things.

Radhika sat next to Amira and asked her how was she was doing.

"Hey you, get out of my class" the teacher yelled at Radhika and Amira.

"Why Sir? Why not others too? Everyone is talking here," Radhika responded.

"How dare you say that? I will take you to the principal if you don't get out of my class," the teacher shouted.

Radhika and Amira decided to leave while the other Russians were laughing at them.

"Amira, I don't know but I think the teacher is kinda racist, I thought it was only Alice but it seems like that teacher is racist too" Radhika whispered.
Amira agreed to what Radhika just said.

Then it was time for maths class. The maths teacher told everyone that they were going to write a test tommorow.

As soon as it was hometime, Radhika went home and studied for the math test.

The next day, she wrote her test and got 96%
but why was she still disturbed even after getting excellent results?

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