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(Mention and talk about s*x, but nothing in detail)

Nightmare yawned, beginning to wake up. He had not fully woken up when he fluttered his innocent eyes open. He didn't think much when he saw himself tightly locked into Shattered's arms, which were gripping on his right shoulder, the one facing away from Shattered. His eyes were still half-lidded when his eyelights traveled to Shattered's face, and he realized that the two of them were lying on Nightmare's pillows on top of the bed's blankets. Nightmare was on the right side of the bed (in the direction from the pillows). How did he not wake up shivering last night? In fact, Nightmare felt very warm and cozy... Was it because of Shattered, somehow?

That was when Nightmare finally realized what position he was in with Shattered. His eyes widened as he tried to pull his head away. The sleepy Shattered, who apparently wasn't asleep, growled something incoherent as he grabbed the back of Nightmare's skull and pushed his forehead into his neck. Nightmare squeaked, confused, although not really. He knew Shattered was more of the hug type... Still though, was he being aggressive about it? Why? Nightmare didn't understand why Shattered would deliberately stay with Nightmare to cuddle, but he decided not to question it. That was when he heard a lazy yawn from Shattered, and he noticed a light coming from his mouth, meaning that for some reason he had his tongue summoned. Nightmare felt himself gulp, his throat tightening. Had Shattered drugged him and decided to...?? What if Nightmare didn't remember?!

Shattered didn't say anything as he pushed himself closer to Nightmare's body, slipping his right leg on top and over Nightmare's legs. This secured Nightmare closer to him so that he couldn't possibly get out of this hold without waking or disturbing Shattered, although he was quite clearly awake, based on the way his eyebrow moved, the way his only-showing eye twitched, and the way his mouth smirked a little when he had occasionally peeked his eye open, noticing the fear on Nightmare's face.

"Nightmare, you're awake?" He asked sleepily. Did he get any sleep at all last night? Nightmare questioned. He almost shook his head in response to himself, but that would look like he was shaking his head to Shattered, so instead he nodded as best as he could. Considering his position, that was still definitely something. "Ah, I see," Shattered muttered. He still sounded sleepy.

"Are you going to move?" Nightmare squeaked. "It's gotta be morning, I wouldn't have woken up if it wasn't-"

"Shh," Shattered shushed him, putting a finger on Nightmare's mouth. His eye opened finally, and he was watching Nightmare's face and he chuckled. Nightmare puffed his cheeks. Shattered laughed, taking off his finger and holding his own left cheek.

"Would you not?" Nightmare asked.

"Would I not what~~?" Shattered asked cheekily.

Nightmare groaned, trying to separate himself from Shattered's chin, where Shattered growled but didn't do anything this time. Nightmare's head was now comfortably resting on a pillow. This was definitely an improvement compared to before. "Could we get out of bed now? Please?" Nightmare begged, trying to pull his shoulders from out of Shattered's grasp. This seemed to anger him, and he sat up, only to pin Nightmare down.

He looked serious now, his brow furrowing as he stared intently into Nightmare's eye sockets. Shattered looked as though he wanted to say something, but nothing came out, and so he instead scoffed. He lowered himself on Nightmare and wrapped his arms just below Nightmare's nonexistent armpits, wrapping around his back as he rested the right side of his goopy skull to Nightmare's chest. Nightmare could have sworn he heard a purr come from him, but it could have been Nightmare's heart nearly beating out of his chest-

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