I Love You

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(Fluff warning!)

Nightmare was in his bedroom, reading.

This book was so awesome! Nightmare just loved the action in it... the characters were so well-developed, and not even the introduction was half-bad! He was excited to start reading the actual story itself. This build-up was getting intense with every word being said. Or, well, read.

Nightmare even failed to realize that the whole time he was being closely watched by Shattered. If he had known, he definitely would have mixed feelings about that, the main emotion being confusion. If that was even an emotion, he didn't know.

He was too distracted by the book to remember what Ink had even said.

Nightmare let out a sigh of admiration. This book was just... so awesome.

After a couple of hours of reading, Nightmare yawned, feeling that the time was soon. He would have to get ready for bed soon, and that would mean that he wouldn't be able to read his book. Not to mention Shattered would probably be coming back soon, and Shattered pretty much demanded all of Nightmare's attention.

Not that Nightmare minded... He just didn't necessarily understand why Shattered would actively seek that? Oh well, Nightmare was even starting to enjoy Shattered's company... Not completely though. Yet.

He forced himself to close the book when he finished the chapter. It was at a really bad cliffhanger, but he knew that if he didn't shut the book now he would never be finished. Besides, that would make him want to read it more later, right?

Nightmare sighed as he stood up, walking to his bookcase and setting the book on top of it. There wasn't much room for it, and Nightmare knew he would be reading it frequently anyways. It was too good of a book not to.

He felt like he was being watched...

Warily, Nightmare whipped around, staring around all the corners of his room to make sure no one was watching him. Especially Shattered. No offense, but he didn't exactly want to be stalked by him.

He was glad to find that no one was stalking him... He even checked all the places someone could hide just in case. He even checked the ceiling in case Shattered was actually secretly Spiderman. Nope, no goopy octopus Spiderman skeleton sticking to the ceiling.

Nightmare sat back down on his bed, fixing his clothes up and waiting for Shattered to return.

He heard a knock on his door. Deja vu.

Nightmare came to the door to unlock it after he heard Shattered announce that it was him. He opened it to find Shattered, who ducked down and hugged just below Nightmare's arms. He blushed heavily. Nightmare didn't understand why Shattered had done this. It was almost like he had a moodswing. Then again, he might have gone to work and had a rough time with that, and it had been a couple of hours, so Shattered could have easily had a change in mood.

"Sh-Shattered!" Nightmare protested. He put his hands on Shattered's arms, trying to pull him off but failing. He couldn't help but laugh a little.

Shattered's face was buried in Nightmare's midsection. "No," was all he said. His voice was muffled when it was buried in Nightmare's clothes.

"Let go!" Nightmare squeaked, trying his hardest to pry Shattered's arms off of him.

Shattered looked up to Nightmare, a cheeky grin as he retorted, "No."

Nightmare let out a sigh.

Shattered let go of Nightmare, then standing up and patting his hand on Nightmare's skull. Nightmare's blush faded a little, although some of it still remained. "Do you want to come with me? I have something I need to tell you," he said.

Safe With Me (Shatteredmare fic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant