He's So Perfect

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Shattered put away the cookbook into the cooking section of his library, which was full of a lot of books since Shattered wasn't the best at cooking. He actually was horrible at it. Dream was more of the cook type-- That's not the point, Shattered was different now. He didn't need to remember stuff like that. Not now. Not ever.

He shuddered in annoyance when he turned around, heading back to Nightmare.

"Let's head back to your room, and from there I'll get ready for bed, too," Shattered suggested. It was more of an order though. Regardless if Nightmare knew if it was or not, he agreed, nodding his head and promptly taking Shattered's hand when Shattered offered his hand.

Shattered led Nightmare out of the library and to the hallway, making sure to peer down it carefully, escorting Nightmare to his room. When they reached his bedroom he opened the door and let Nightmare inside.

"Make sure to take your nightly pills. I'm going to leave you to go take care of myself," Shattered said. It was a lie. He was planning on staying, but Nightmare didn't know that.

Nightmare smiled, nodding, the book he had chosen in his hands. Shattered made sure to glance at the cover to make sure that what he had picked wasn't... that book, but he immediately saw the cover and knew it wasn't. Shattered let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Shattered," Nightmare thanked.

"I'll probably come back tonight," Shattered said. He turned sideways and Nightmare nodded, locking the door. He didn't say anything else as he started walking down the hall toward his own bedroom. He heard Nightmare shut the door, and that was when Shattered knew it was time to sneak back into his bedroom. How? Well, it was quite simple, actually. Shattered just had to use Negativity, which there was currently plenty of, to summon himself beside Nightmare's bed. The only problem with that was Shattered had to make sure he came in at the right place at the right time, because he couldn't be seen by Nightmare in order for this to work.

He came back to the door, making sure to walk as quietly as possible, where he then put the side of his head against the door, listening to Nightmare's every movement in his bedroom. He could hear him quite clearly, despite the door blocking his hearing. None of it sounded muffled... Shattered had really sharp, precise hearing.

Shattered could hear Nightmare moving around the room for some reason. Was he grabbing something? As he questioned this, listening to Nightmare as he kneeled down, Shattered squinted his only-showing eye in suspicion. He didn't hear him put anything under his bed or pull anything out of his bookcase, or do anything really, he just heard his sugarcube roll on top of his bed. He could barely tell that Nightmare was sitting upright on his bed, facing toward the direction of the door.

That works well enough for me. Just as long as he can't see the whole entire room... we're good, Shattered thought. Hopefully this went according to plan. Nightmare didn't yet know Shattered could teleport, so seeing him in his room when he quite clearly saw him walk away would not be for the best. Nightmare would definitely be confused, and Shattered would have to explain how he got there, and it would be best if Nightmare didn't know Shattered could teleport anyway.

He summoned himself behind Nightmare. He immediately noticed Nightmare's back was facing him. It was good he had a canopy bed, that way Shattered could hide himself pretty easily. Not to mention he could melt into the shadows of Nightmare's bedroom. There was plenty of those, and a large shadow was also cast from the bed, so he could remain close to Nightmare without being seen by him.

Shattered needed to do this. What if Cross came early? Error could be trying to trick Shattered, or maybe Cross knew Error wasn't to be trusted and instead lied about when he would be trying to kidnap Nightmare. Shattered just couldn't afford to let the variables take over, so he took Nightmare's safety into his own hands... Not like Nightmare could protect himself well anyways. He can't use magic... barely at all in his goopy form.

He watched through the transparent curtains that went over Nightmare's bed. Oh how he wished he could see Nightmare's face right now... He looked so absorbed in the book he was reading, piqued with eagerness.

But Shattered would be watching with much more eagerness, completely in awe and absorbed in Nightmare's small form.

He wanted Nightmare to look at Shattered like that.

How could someone so small be so cute? It was something Shattered didn't understand... Then he remembered that people like to see things like puppies or kittens... both of those were small things. Was Shattered just loving Nightmare like a pet?

Oh, God, no, I won't do that to Nightmare... He's a person, not a... not an animal of all things, Shattered thought, shaking his head violently. Why did it have to come to this? He's not an item, he's not... He's not anything like that. He's not a toy. He's not a doll. Shattered opened his eye again and looked to Nightmare. Nightmare let out a sigh, and Shattered refrained from sighing in adoration in response, but he couldn't stop from his eyes dilating as he put his hands on his own cheeks. He's Nightmare and I love him.

I'll do anything to protect him. I'll do anything for him.

Even if it means I have to kill some people in the process.

Even if it means I have to watch Nightmare hate me over and over again... I'll do what it takes. For him.

Nightmare somehow didn't manage to hear it... maybe because he was so transfixed on the book he was reading... but Shattered managed to whisper, "He's so perfect..."

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