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Nightmare waited for the throne for... a few minutes. Not long... Except Nightmare might have fallen asleep on the throne, he was so tired after reading his book. He was woken up by Shattered prodding his shoulder. Immediately, Nightmare snapped awake. "Shattered?" Nightmare asked, realizing who was in front of him and relaxing. Shattered nodded without saying anything in response.

Shattered was knelt in front of the throne. Nightmare was in a new position. He had two legs over the left arm, and his head was resting against the right arm, his fingers together where his hands met over his chest.

"You should be getting to bed, it's getting late," Shattered stated, standing up.

Nightmare's eyelights watched his face as he did so. He looked up to Shattered, sitting up as he asked, "What time is it?"

"Nine o'clock. Now let's get you to bed, yes?" Shattered replied.

"Do I always go to bed at nine o'clock?" Nightmare asked, standing up. Shattered kept his hands behind his back as he began walking down the hallway at quite a fast pace. Nightmare had to run to catch up with him, practically jogging just to keep up with him.

"Yes. You're usually in bed at this time. For... reasons," he answered. "You got... injured, and you don't remember."

That answered Nightmare's unsaid question. "Well, alright then."

Silence fell between the two as they walked to Nightmare's bedroom, which did not take that long, considering the pace they were walking at. Shattered opened the door, stepping in and waiting for Nightmare to come inside. When Nightmare did, Shattered shut the door behind them, locking it.

Nightmare sensed something was... off about Shattered, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He seemed anxious. Did something happen? Nightmare could only wonder as he stepped to the bookcase, eyeing his book. "You should be going to bed," Shattered said quickly. Nightmare looked at him.

"Is something wrong, Shattered?" Nightmare questioned, squinting his eyes in suspicion as he walked to his bed. He found the container of pills and opened them. Shattered handed him his cup of water for him to drink the pills down with.

"Nothing, Nightmare. Nothing you can be concerned about," Shattered answered. His eyelight flicked to the door from Nightmare, quickly looking around the room, as if one of the shadows would burst to life and attack them or something.

Nightmare stared at him, hesitantly putting the pills in his mouth and then gulping down the water. When he finished he looked to Shattered, perking an eyebrow. "Are... you sure? You look really anxious, if I'm being honest," Nightmare said slowly.

Shattered wasn't paying attention. Instead,he said hurriedly, "That's great, Nightmare, now get to bed." Briefly, Shattered pushed Nightmare into his bed and quickly tucked him in, anxiously looking around some more.

Nightmare sighed. He refrained from rolling his eyes. He let his eye sockets close. He waited for sleep to take him.

He made sure to steal a peek at Shattered and noticed he was standing up, his back turned from Nightmare. He was wringing his wrists behind his back anxiously. His head was hung, his inky brow furrowed. He was waiting for something, Nightmare could tell, but he was really too sleepy to do anything about it. Pressing on the topic obviously didn't work... All he could really do was try and fall asleep and hope that nothing bad happened.

* * * *

A loud crash. Nightmare's eye sockets flew open, his eyes wide as he sat up immediately. He snapped his attention to where the movement was.

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