Chapter 18 - Scardy Cat...

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My eyes were stung by the light that was coming out of wherever that hell that was!!

I opened my eyes and noticed that it was already morning... and when I checked the time on my phone it was already 9 in the morning.

I tried to move out of the bed but i couldnt because there was someone who was clinging tightly tome... I looked down to see Kongpob... He was still sleeping... His face was very near the crook of my neck.

I turned to my side and faced him... I removed some hair that was covering his face... Now looking at him like this... He really is handsome and cute at the same time...

He looks so serene when sleeping... the kind of face that you would want to take care of... the kind of face that you would want to see every night when you go to sleep and every morning when you wake up...

im not saying that i want to see him okay!! im just complimenting him because its true!! im just stating facts...

I didnt know that I was smiling looking at his face... this kid... i dont know but i dont hate this kid... im actually happy seeing him like this...

He suddenly snuggled closer burying his face in the crook of my neck... I could feel his nose touching my skin, his hot breaths were giving me the shivers...

I tried to remove his hand that was wrapped on my waist, and placed the pillow that i was using in my place. He gave a little groan but was quite again and snuggled closer on the pillow burying his face on it. I cant help but chuckle at his... cuteness... this kid is weird... does he have a pillow fetish or something??

Then I remembered what happened last night...

"Shhhh Its alright Kong... Im here..."

He was crying, im scared of a lot of things but i never knew that thunder would affect ths kid this much... it was also dark that was scaring the shit out of me... I dont know if someone or something was hiding in the darkness ready to kill us or something... I dont know! you know that i have a wild imagination right!?

Thunder roared again and this time it was really loud that my soul almost jumped out of my body... but It was kept there because Kongpob was clinging to me very tight like, i couldnt breathe anymore tight...

"Shhhhh its okay Kong... Im here... P' wont leave you alone..." Ive never seen him look this vulnerable... I dont know but I felt like I had to be brave for this kid... i had the urge to protect him... maybe because i had the same urges for my brothers??? but i dont know...

and to be honest... having someone with you when its dark also calms me down so, it would be a win-win situation i guess...

I noticed that he was shivering, so I pulled him closer and rubbed his back... i know the feeling of being scared as fuck... so i also know how to comfort someone who is scared...

"Dont worry Kongpob... thunder cannot hurt you... youre safe here... I promise P will protect you... and Ill be here I wont leave you..." I whispered near his ear... but he was still sobbing and shaking...

So i did what i could think of... I sang him a song to calm him down...

and i just sang i didnt care if i was on tune or not... but i think it was working because his shaking has already stopped and his sobs became weaker and weaker, until he became quiet... when I looked at him he was already sleeping... this kid... i just iped the remaining tears from his eyes.

Well my job there was done but i still couldnt get out of the bed because he was clinging to me like a koala... i just sighed and let it be... since i didnt want to stay in my room alone anyway because it was dark and there was still no electricity... So yeah maybe ill just stay here for the meantime...

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