Chapter 25 - The Caring Sun...

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So there I was stuck in my room... After P'Arthit left and i got treated in the infirmary Aim, Tew, Oak and Wad came and got me out of there...

They all helped me get back to my dorm and laid me on my bed... I hate being like this... i couldnt stand or move! I couldnt even go to the toilet on my own! I spent all afternoon and night on my bed... My body feels sore to be honest... lying down all day sucks...

It was a Friday morning and i was already hungry... I tried to look for food in my room but I didnt find any and my foot was killing me!

I took my phone at the side of my bed and called Aim...

"Hello? Aim... please get me some food... and please buy some for... you know... P'Arthit too... since I cant go to his room to put it there please do it for me na...

So yes... I was the person who kept on buying food and giving it to P'Arthit secretly...

For the past few day or should i say weeks, I have been leaving food for him...

So there I was, still on my bed... waiting for my friend to bring me some food... and it takes him an eternity!!! Well i decided to pun on my glasses and write in my diary about my latest encounter with P'Arthit... I have been writing in that notebook since highschool... at first i only wrote about the bullying i had experienced... but then when P'Arthit came into my life it had been filled with nothing but him... i even had some pictures of him there and my favorite picture i put on my refrigerator so that I could see it every day...

After a few more minutes someone knock on my door, i could be Aim... Finally i could eat!! 

"Come in!" I shouted while i was writing on my diary... I didnt even look at him and just finished what i was writing... it was all about when P'Arthit helped me in the court and brought me to the infirmary...

"You can put the food on the counter thanks, and did you deliver the food to him?"

"I wasnt able to deliver the food to him because i dont know who he is." Wait a minute... thats not Aim's voice... it sounds more like... P'Arthit?!

What is he doing here?! Why?! Where is Aim?!

"Shia P'Arthit?! w-what are you doing here?! Where is Aim?!"

"He had an urgent call from his house so he needed to go home, it was lucky for him that I was passing by so he asked me to bring you this. but you're too busy writing on that notebook of yours to notice that a different person came in your room. what if i was a bad person huh?" Now he is scolding me... well its my chance to get closer to him... and maybe tease him a little...

"but P' you're not a bad person who would do something bad to an injured junior would you? and even if you really do want to do something or take something from me, i could gladly let you do it..." I raised my eyebrows twice and smiled at him suggestively...

He grabbed the pillow that was on the chair next to him and threw it at me.

"Kongpob! stop being a Pervert! what are you writing anyway?" Shit! He saw my diary!! I cant let him see it!! it will be so embarrassing!I tried to hide the notebook behind me...

"Its just my homework, nothing important."

"What subject? can i see?"

"No! I'm already done anyway so there is no need to see it."

"Come on Kongpob! Let me see it! it is my responsibility as your senior to help you out with your studies. What if you had a lot of mistakes?" He tried to reach for my diary but i hit it under my pillow...

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