Chapter One

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The Disclaimer: The story may be mine but the characters will always belong to the BBC.  Also, events in this chapter do mirror some recent news events but only by 30% ... I plead for the safe return of that sweet little girl.

Chapter One

The Doctor was standing proud in amongst the Ferons, a rather noble race on the planet Zalkor - a rather fresh and beautiful planet.  The Ferons were rather like an offshoot tribe of the Amazon rain forest. The glaring differences were that they had longer legs, elegant slender fingers.  Noble bearing.  Iridescent purple skin where you could see the blush forming.  A race of people that could not hide their emotions, and glowed in the dark.  Ferons were rather peaceful.  The Doctor took to them immediately for their pacifist attitude.  They only killed to eat of the fleshly fish in the forest streams that flowed like a silver ribbon through the green velvet canvass.

This planet would have been perfect had it not been for the other race that lived here.  The Krugs.  The Krugs were rather like their name.  Small, squat, flat-nosed.  Lank blond locks that hung like a really bad comb over on a Earth man.  Bulky arms that reached down to the feet.  Like their looks they were vile, cruel and wicked.  Taking and enslaving the Ferons for their own wicked purposes.  Mining the resources out of the planet.

The Doctor had managed to save this race on his own.  Yes, it was fun but, he sighed, definitely not the same.  There was always the need for him to travel on his own but when he did, he hated it.  

“We are ever indebted to you dear Doctor,” Rela said in mellifluous tones that would have made a telephone book sound like magic.  “Please, accept our ring of gratitude.”

The Doctor raised his straw hat and smiled.  “It was no trouble.”

“Oh but now we are free.  Only,” Rela turned her head in sadness.  “Now we have no leader.  My dear husband …”

“I did like him, Rela.”

Rela glanced up.  “YOU are our leader,” she suddenly announced.  “Dear, clever Doctor.  You can stay and …”

“I would love to, Rela,” he sighed.  “But …”

“No Doctor, our gratitude means we shall suspend all tradition and make you our king.”

“Very generous, I shall on one condition,” he said.

“What condition is that?”

“You have to catch me first!”

Then he bolted through the forest not tripping over any branch.  Not falling flat on his face.  Keeping one hand on the top of his hat he used the umbrella to vault over obstacles whilst Rela’s tribe chased after him.  Grabbing open the door of the TARDIS once he reached there he saw the oncoming Ferons.

“Awfully sorry about this,” he said as he raised his hat.  “But I am a busy man!”

Quickly pressing the controls the familiar vworping sound was music to his ears.

Outside the Ferons dropped their fishing pikes in shock as they saw this strange blue box with alien lettering on the lintel of the door disappear before their very eyes.

“Truly,” Rela sighed.  “An extraordinary man!”

Inside the TARDIS the Doctor took his hat off, hung his umbrella up and slumped in a chair picking up his juggling balls, and juggled to relax.  That was close.  Too close.  If he was that power-mad he would have stayed on Gallifrey.  Suddenly he got bored of juggling.

The white interior of the TARDIS was calming.  Looking at the blank space he saw pictures and started to feel better.  Much better.  Suddenly, the TARDIS shuddered.

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