Chapter Three

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This story idea may be mine but the characters are owned by the BBC.  Fans of Sarah-Jane Smith, I am writing Luke as to how he was when last I remembered him, which was when he was at University, I placed him at Oxford as I feel that is where he should be.  And I only know

mainly up to The Doctor’s Death episode in which he did not appear at all.  So please be aware I do not have the full story yet...

Chapter Three

Nancy and Luke was waiting outside the train station for Tegan to show up. Heavily wrapped up in scarves, hats and jumpers, giving off the appearance of a vari-coloured Michelin Man.  They had bags on a trolley.  Both checked their watches in unison.  Somehow they always managed to do things in perfect synchronization.  They were supposed to get on the train together.  Both jumped at the sound of the last voice they wanted to hear.

“So, off to have some fun?”

Nancy gulped.  The more she heard his voice the less she liked it.  Luke realised it would be up to him to answer Professor Stream.

“We are off to Nancy’s home to spend some time as a family.”

Nancy wondered why she was frozen to the spot.  It was as if he glued her feet to the floor with his very aura.

“How sweet,” he said as he walked around.   “Miss McShane,” he tilted her chin up.  Nancy immediately withdrew her chin from his teasing fingers.  Luke was ready to punch him.  “I wish to ask you a favour,” Nancy edged closer towards her boyfriend.  “I would like to ask your mother to Oxford to do a speech.  I actually googled her.  Would be interesting to meet such a fine woman.”

Nancy was about to answer when they heard the Australian tones of Tegan yoo-hooing them from a few yards away.  Tegan ran up to the young couple.  An extremely good accomplishment for someone who insisted on wearing heels all of the time.

“Okay, sorry you had to wait,” she said.  “Traffic at this time of year is hell.”

Stream rolled his eyes.  Luke helped Tegan on with her bags on the trolley, whilst he was distracted, Stream took hold of Nancy’s hand and again tilted her chin so their eyes locked on.  This time his grip was strong and she could not move her gaze.

“I am here for you,” he whispered.  “If ever you are worried or concerned I am here.”

Nancy managed to withdraw her hand from his grasp but his eyes still locked onto hers.  “I have Luke, Professor.”

Tegan glanced up whilst shifting a holdall into position.  The discomfort was clear.  Someone had to say what Nancy was too polite too.

“Listen, she has friends, a mother that loves her.  A father who cares for her so much that he came to her in her hour of need.  And,” she drew in a deep breath, walked up to her and yanked the young girl close to her by her arm.  “Me, and be assured that I will kick anyone down who’d harm her! You need not worry, Professor.  She is well looked after!”

Luke quickly came to Nancy’s other side.  Stream offered his most charming smile.  “Just showing I do care.  Ms Jovanka.  Mr Smith.”

He then stalked off to mingle with the other Christmas travellers.  Nancy’s fear mixed with relief at his departure caused her to burst into tears.  Shaking uncontrollably with the panic attack that had suddenly come upon her.  It took the two of them to calm her down.  Tegan went to get a sweet cup of tea.  Luke held her close to him.  Once Nancy had drunk the tea she felt calmer.  

“I am so sorry.  But when he touched me I felt as if I would do anything he said.  If it weren’t for you Tegan...”

Luke rubbed her back as Tegan held her hand.  “Look, we best go into the station.”

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