Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Nancy pulled her hair behind her ears and glared at the reflection in the stand up full length mirror. As soon as the shops were open her mother had taken her to the first Opticians that she came across and bought the darkest, largest pair of sunglasses she could find.

Nancy twisted her hips around to see how the jeans and the top fitted.  She wanted to look her best for Luke.  Grabbing her brush she pulled it through her thick curly hair a few times and did another quick twirl in the mirror, she nodded and smiled.  

Glancing at her watch she gasped and quickly picked up her bag, complete with laptop, books and keys and dashed out the door.

Only to dash straight back in again as she forgot her coat.  It was so cold that her knuckles turned white immediately.  Great, this was going to make her late.  When she turned around whilst she was struggling with the coat she saw Tegan awaiting her at the other end of the path.

“I can walk to the Uni on my own,” Nancy sighed.  When the coat was buttoned up she approached Tegan with a smile.  Secretly, she felt safe having someone here.

“I promised your mother I would take care of you.  Not that I needed to as the Doctor gave me strict instructions to keep an eye on you too,” Tegan linked her arm up with hers.  “He didn’t have to either, I was gonna do it anyway.  I like you.  I may question him on many things but this I do not need to be told twice.”

“Won’t people laugh if I am wearing sunglasses in winter?”

“If they do, just send ‘em to me,” Tegan said, “I’ll sort ‘em out!”

Nancy laughed as they walked arm-in-arm.  Once the laughter stopped Nancy frowned a little.  Tegan noticed the forehead crease.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m not sure,” Nancy said.  “But last night, well... I dreamed of a thin, red-haired man.  Looked human but... and he tried to... but he didn’t...”

“You’re not making any sense.  Was his name said in your dream?”

“Like yours it began with a T, that is all I know.”

Tegan sighed, “Oh, Turlough.  Some of Nyssa’s memories are with you then?”

“Only vaguely, was Nyssa close to him?”

“Well, we had suspicions.  He did try to kill the Doctor that was his mission, but only to get home.  Eventually, he found a way home without having to kill the Doctor,” suddenly Tegan snorted derisively, “and I never actually thought I’d miss the ginger devil!”

Suddenly she felt a warm whisper of Turlough’s voice touch both her mind and heart.  She had forgiven him too late.  The rest of the walk was done in contemplative silence.

They met Luke at the gates.  Nancy almost swooned at how gorgeous he was.  Mischievously smiling like Puck would in Midsummer Night’s Dream at the sight of his absolutely lovely fiancée.  

“Thanks, Tegan,” Luke said.  

“No problem.”

“Tegan, do you ever want to see Turlough again?” Nancy asked.

Tegan just shrugged her shoulders and smiled.  Luke took Nancy’s hand and they entered the halls together.  Susan was the first to pounce on them.

“Don’t do that!” Nancy exclaimed affecting shock.

“Hey,” Susan said.  “What is with the sunglasses?”

Luke and Nancy turned both smiling.  “It’s to shade me from the glare of THIS!” and held up her engagement ring.  

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