Chat (Chapter 2)

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   "Great! Consider yourself hired!" Ryn chirped, cleaning the counter off as we spoke. "When can you start?"
        I honestly wanted some time off in London, since that's what I came here for- but I didn't want to leave Ryn working so hard. "I can start on Monday. That gives me 3 days of downtime." Her smile grew wider before accepting. 
        After telling her that it's my time to go, I exited the building and started heading to the park. Ryn went over the directions with me so I wouldn't get lost, which was much obliged. I didn't really know what to think of her yet, but I suppose at this point I could consider her a friend.
         As I walked the streets of London, the cool breeze swept over my face- a pleasant feeling in fact. Approaching the park, I scoped out a good place to sit, preferably a spot where I could see the large building tower over the smaller ones. 
         London really seemed perfect, for even the park was peaceful and full of beauty. There were people walking, kids playing tag, people playing guitar, and even people feeding the pigeons. I shuffled to a little bench that people had just abandoned, which had somewhat of a good position to see the buildings. It had an even more beautiful view of the leaves reflecting the sunlight on the birch trees. As I sat down, I placed my drawing pad on my lap, attempting to find my pencils in my bag.
        Ironically, when I began drawing, the guitarist I saw when I arrived here began playing. I didn't notice how close I was until I heard his cords, which sounded simply beautiful. He was sitting on one of the concrete walls that held soil and flowers on the inside, a tree even. I guess I can listen in on his music while I draw, it shouldn't be too much of a distraction.
        I placed the point of the lead on the white paper, allowing my hand to freely control the thick lines in which followed my point. Half the time when I draw, I always add something to what I see, whether it's something small like a bush or some type of flower, to something big like a house.
        I noticed that there was a small crowd around the guitarist now, and he was singing. I decided not to take much notice to it, and simply put in my earphones and listened to my own music. I wasn't too fond of lots of people in one place, it actually made me feel uncomfortable.
         Not knowing how long I took, I looked at my phone only to see that two hours had passed. Disoriented from the amount of time I spent looking at my pencil, I sat up, only to be met by the thick scent of nicotine. Due to the fact that I hadn't been introduced to that smell in a while, i coughed, my chest trying to push out the deadly drug. 
         The smoker, noticing my coughing gingerly spoke, "Oh, I'm sorry. Here, let me move." The man got up from where he was on my right side, moving to my left side. I didn't cough after that, since the wind was blowing away from me. However, instead of sitting back on the concrete slab, he sat next to me on the bench. Looking to the man's side, I spotted a guitar case. The culprit was the guitarist from earlier. 
        "Thank you." I smiled, looking to him for a moment before turning back down to my drawing pad. I got a good look at him now. His hair was shaggy, the ginger color going well with his pale skin. He had a thin beard, leading to a mustache just as thin. Seems like he shaved a few days ago, and his facial hair was growing again. Also, his clothing was normal for the most part. Wearing a black tee under a flannel shirt, perfect for today's weather. 
        There was a small silence before he spoke again. "What are you drawing?" He questioned, tapping his cigarette so the ashes would fall off, and onto the concrete slab next to him.
        "You see those trees?" I looked up nodding to the patch of open grass, covered by the dangling branches of the birch trees. He peered over, interested. I tilted my book over to him, allowing him to see.
         "Oh, wow. You're pretty good." I smiled, my cheeks flushing a light pink. 
         "Thank you." He smiled back, giving me a friendly feeling. He sighed before completely putting out his bud. Turning back to me, he moved his guitar case so it was leaning on the other side of the bench, instead of in between our legs.
         "Do you always draw in the quiet?" I didn't notice I had begun drawing again until he brought it up.
        "No, actually. I was listening to you play your guitar before the crowd came over here. After that I put in my ear phones." He nodded. 
        "Really? That's cool." He seemed almost surprised that I tuned in on his music, which threw me off of my thoughts. 
         "Are you surprised that I was listening?" I looked to him, leaning back on the bench, intrigued by the conversation. 
         "Well, it kind of seemed like you put in your headphones to not listen," He chuckled, "I guess I am used to the crowds, so they don't bother me as much." He smiled at me again, which made me smile as well.
         I couldn't help but keep thinking about what he meant by "I guess I am used to the crowds," What exactly does that mean? But, so I didn't seem too invasive, I dropped it.
         "I see." Yet another silence with awkward smiles and staring. 
        "I'm Ed. Ed Sheeran." He extended his hand out for me to shake it, which I did.
        "I'm (Y/N). (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." I sweetly smiled back, shaking his hand before noticing that both his and my cheeks were flushing a shallow pink.
        "Well it's nice to meet you, (Y/N). And if you don't mind me asking, you're from America, right?" I knew this question would come from someone.
        "Yeah, I am. I'm just staying in London for a few months." I admit, dumbfounded by his reply.
        "That's cool, so am I." I put on a confused face.
        "You're from America too?" He laughed.
        "No, no. Not that part- I'm staying in London for a few months." That seemed correct, and now I looked dumb.
         "Oh. That makes sense." I laugh at myself, suddenly feeling nervous.
        I still have a lot to learn about London and it's folks.

(Happy Halloween! Have another chapter this week :3)

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