Back to the Flat (Chapter 3)

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  As the London sky began to turn into a deep, velvety purple our chat went on. We both didn't even realize the time until the lamps around us turned on, filling the park with the beauty of night. I almost wanted to stay but I simply couldn't, I'd have a tired day tomorrow if so. I began retrieving my items and placing them back in my bag. 
        "Leaving?" Ed spoke, sitting upright from his cross-legged position. I nodded, looking to him with an apologetic smile. 
        "Yes, I didn't realize how late it was, I have to get back to my apart- or ugh, my flat." I giggled as he chuckled. "I know, sorry." I felt like I shouldn't of even tried to be remotely English there- was I too rude? 
        "No, don't apologize. I think it's cute." I felt my cheeks flush, turning a deeper pink than before. He chuckled before assisting me in packing up. That's when we both went to grab the same thing, our hands touching. I retracted mine, embarrassed. "Here, let me get that for you." He placed it in my bag before standing up and throwing his guitar case over his shoulder. 
        "Thank you." I shyly spoke, my face still hot from the confrontation. I looked around, everything seeming darker even with the beautiful lamps on. "Ed?" I questioned, feeling like a complete idiot for needing assistance.
        "Yes?" He answered, his eyebrows raising. 
        "Mind if you help me just one more time? I don't think I could find my way, even with the directions." I handed him the slip of paper Ryn had given me to get here. He nodded, handing it back and chuckled.
        "Let's be off then." I followed him, walking by his side. London grew much colder as the sun vanished, my pale skin growing goose bumps as the night's wind clashed into me. "You're cold." He pointed out, stopping as he placed his guitar case on the ground and began unbuttoning his flannel shirt. Removing it, he placed it on my, allowing me to feel the warmth that bounced off of it and onto me. Smiling, I looked to him with pity. He now only had his black tee-shirt, which must make him cold.
        "You're cold now." I said, walking with him as we began moving again.
        "I'll be fine. I am used to London and her weather." That reminded me that, in our previous conversation, he mentioned that he'd grown up here. I decided not to push the conversation more and silently walked with him, side by side. With my (H/L) (H/C) hair softly being pressed upward; being ushered our of my face by the wind, it allowed me to get a good look of the city lights. The beauty was very intense, and boy, do I wish I could draw it. 
        "It's very pretty here, I don't usually get to see city lights from where I live in America." He looked down to me, a smile slipping onto his face, making it almost impossible for me to not smile back. 
        "Is that why you wanted to come to London?" He questioned, making me think. I didn't just want to come for the awfully large, gorgeous city, did I?
        "At first it was for the city, yes." I breathed, looking down to the ground below us. "Another thing that lead me here over other places, money not being much of a concern, would have to be the people. Not going off of stereotypes, but by actually having a friend from London. He talks about her all the time." Looking back to him, I noticed he was looking to the large buildings and flashing lights.
        "The city?" I shook my head.
        "Everything. The food, double-decker buses- which I have yet to be on- and the people." He chucked at the mention of the buses. 
        "Well, if you're in London you have to go on the buses- it's a specialty almost." This made me chuckle. "I can take you one time if you want? I'll get us a seat on the top level so you can get the full experience." I smiled, nodding.
        "I would like that." There was sweet silence that filled the air after that. All that was to be heard was the pitter-patter of shoes, the cars, and the wind that brushed against my ears.
        A little while longer and we'd be at my flat. He decided he'd walk me up and step in for a moment, which I didn't have a single concern with. As I turned the key in the door and pushed it open, the cool breeze of the room smashed into us, making me inhale sweetly. Walking in and placing my bag on the small couch that stood in the center of the room, lonely. 
        "You have a cute little place here," He complemented as he neared the large window that spied on the city from just the right angle. "and I love the view."
        "So do I, it's probably the main reason I chose this complex." He stood at the window a little while longer as I took of my shoes, as well as his shirt and walked over to him. "Here you are, and, thank you." He looked to me, slowly taking the shirt back and turning around. "Would you like a drink?" I asked, walking to the kitchen to get myself one.
        "No, I have to get going but thank you for the offer." I nodded, putting some tea on the stove for myself. "I do have a question, however." I turned, interested.
        "What is it?" 
        "Will I see you again, sometime?" I blushed, my cheeks hinting a light pink.
        "It's a possibility. Although we'd have better chances of meeting up if we were to exchange numbers, don't you think?" As I spoke I was attending to my tea, my back to him, blushing mad.
        "Do you have a pen and paper in that case?" I walked to the counter and grabbed a pen, then collecting the notepad off of the fridge. "Ah, thanks." He wrote down his own before asking for mine. I heard the rip of paper as I finished dictating my own number. "I'll see you later then, miss (Y/N)?" 
        "Of course, Mister Sheeran." This made him chuckle.
        As he left I recalled everything that happened today in my head. I got a job, met Ryn, then Ed. Now I'm sitting here blushing over my tea, sipping it gingerly from time to time. Maybe I'm not so alone after all. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2014 ⏰

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