Chaotic Night..

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Today is the day.I am getting married to Adwait in two hours. I'm sitting on front of mirror wearing white rob , my hair and make up is already done and i know at any moment i  will start crying, i cried so much in last 48 hours. Someone knocked the door. I took a deep breath
“ come in”
my cousin and my best friend entered the room.
They both look so beautiful. My best friend is wearing pink lahenga and my sister is wearing royal blue lahenga.  But from the look on their face i sense something is wrong.

“whats wrong?” i asked. They both looked at me and then at each other. I can feel my heart beating faster. The only thing that comes into my mind is that  what if Adwait decides not to come.

“you tell us” Rashi my best friend said.
Oh no!

“what do you mean?”

“you know exactly what we mean Shree” Kavya my cousin said.

“i seriously don’t know what you guys are talking about”

“Shree you are seriously going to hide things from me and Kavya. Now spit it out or i am going to kick your ass.” Well that's my best friend who threaten me to kick my ass on my weeding day but she also know that something is wrong and if i tell her without a doubt i can tell you that she will kill him and Kavya will help her. And i don’t want that and i am not going to tell them.

“Shree” Kavya sat in front of me looking worried.

My lips already started quavering. “ i don’t want to get married” i blurted out..shit!

“okay no problem Kavya take a bag, throw some of her clothes in it. Shree wear something comfortable.  We will runaway. Problem solved”

And i smiled at my best friend with teary eyes.

“you are not going to ask me why i don’t want to get married or convince me that its just pre wedding jitters or something”

“nope, if you don’t want to get married you wont” i just stood up from my chair and hug my best friend.

“i love you and if i was batting for other team i will definetly marry you. But i am okay. I am just nervous that it. Don’t worry about me. both of you” and i looked at my sister.

“are you sure because i am ready  to runaway with you two” Kavya said.

“yes i am” even if i am not. They both looked at me for second but they don’t know that i am master of hiding my feelings and emotion and they gave in both said okay.

They both helped me with my wedding dress and i am ready for wedding now. We can hear loud music that is coming from outside which means that they are here. From now i am going to leave everything on god whatever happens happen.

I had not idea what i am doing or what happend during rituals its like i am became an robot who had no emotion and just following the command.
I come back to reality when its time for the final and hardest ritual and that's vidai.
I cried when i saw my parents  crying and i cried harder when my daddy told me its just a ritual that i always go back to him , home.  Finally when i sat inside the car i realize that i am going to be alone with guy who hates me and i had no plan what i am going to do or say to him.
I hear the door shut and its Adwait and when he looked at me all i see is anger. If i say  i am scared than that's the understatement of the century i am beyond scared. But i decided that i am not going to show any kind weakness or even cry in front of him. I had to be strong there is no other way.

We reached at his home which actually it is right next to my home but my whole family is staying at hotel. So nobody is home.  His mom , Vibha aunty did some other hindu wedding rituals and then finally they let us go.

But before we go to his room, one of his cousin stops us and said don’t forget about the final and important ritual. I had no idea what he is talking about but everyone is looking at us and suddenly out of nowhere i am in air.
Yes  Adwait lifted me up and started climbing the stairs towards his room, i was so angry how dare he touch me without my consent i wanted to slap him but then i heard everyone's laughing and clapping and  camera flashing i just close my eyes to calm down myself.

Few moments later i heard door closed and thud! He dropped me on the floor and it hurts so badly.

“how dare you!” i said trying to get up.

“get used to this.. where you belong” Adwait said.

“no, first you lifted me up in your arms and then you dropped me, all this without my consent. Apologize to me”

“no i am not going to apologize for anything . you deserve that, you should say sorry to me!”

“why the hell i am going to say sorry?”

“its because of you we are married now! I told you to cancel the wedding, one thing that i asked you to do and you couldn't do it”

“first you did not asked me you ordered me, second how am i supposed to call off the wedding when my whole family is there, its like committing social suicide and third if you did not want this wedding why didn't you called off!”

“if you did not know how to call off than you should runaway it is as simple as that and i didn't called off this wedding because of my mom.”

“oh so you want me to hurt my parents by calling off wedding but you don’t want to do that because you don’t want to hurt your parents! How ridiculous is that!” i cant believe this. He does not even care about my parents feeling. He so selfish.

  “ i don’t care! I don’t believe in this marriage i already have girlfriend back there who loves me and whom i love so i am going to give you divorce as soon as i can.”

“i don’t care either and i don’t believe in this marriage and trust me i don’t want to live with you either , i am ready to sign the papers whenever you want”

“good until than we have to live together and i don’t know about you but i don’t like to share my bed with stranger so you can sleep on couch over there or on the floor.” With that he went inside which i think is bathroom and slam the door.

If he thinks i am going to sleep on that uncomfortable couch or on the floor than he is an idiot .whether he like it or not we are married that means he has to share everything with me that includes his bed too.
so i just sit on the left side of the bed took off all the jewellery open my hair from the bun and loose my duptta and then i started sobbing. Nobody ever treated me like this, hell nobody even yell at me not even my teachers.i hate Adwait so much. I can not let him see me this vulnerable or weak he will definitely use against me. i drank some water from the night stand , took some deep breaths and lay myself on bed, the moment i closed my eyes sleep took over.

Hi!! So I've decided to update once in every two weeks and it's either on Saturday or Sunday.

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Happy Navratri too!!


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