Plan Newyork..

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I hear someone is knocking the door. Why the hell my mom is knocking the door she never knocks and she won't stop knocking.


When i opened my eyes i saw a figure laying next to me and all i can see bare  back and then suddenly i realize that some guy is sleeping next to me.

what the fish!

And somehow instead of trying to get up i fall on the floor again! And that's when memory of last night came back that guy is my idiotic, jerk husband.

“bhai- bhabhi wake up!”one of his cousin is outside.
Oh shit!! Oh shit!!
What am i supposed to do? I have to wake him up. Oh no no no!
I went to his side where i can see his face and oh my my! 
He look so handsome , his jaw line is so perfect, his lips are slightly parted and pink but above all he looks so peaceful and cute. But i had to wake this evil up why cant he just sleep like this then there will be no problem.

“bhai- bhabhi what are you doing?” oh my god his another cousin.

“Adwait” he did not even stir.

“Adwait” no response!

“ADWAIT!” oh my god he is kumbhkaran.
He is not going to wake up and then i saw glass of water on stand. I took and here goes nothing i splash it directly on his face and it worked yes! He woke up but before he scream i had to put my hand on his mouth. I did exactly with the speed of flash.he looked at me with wide eyes my one hand is on his mouth and with other hand i tell him to shush!

“BHAIIIIIIII- BHABHIII” now both of her cousin yelled and started knocking even harder. He looked at door i immediately  took my hands off from his mouth, he just stands up storms towards the door.

“WHAT?” he literally screamed at his cousins. They just laugh and honestly i did too. I mean i just throw glass of water on him, his hair is already wet and some water is dripping from his hair. The sight is very pleasing I mean.

“Oh nothing  Aunt told us to wake you guys up. Everyone is waiting for you downstairs. There are people who are eagerly waiting to meet bhabhi. So come downstairs both of you”

Adwait closed the door on their face and you can still hear their laughing and i am giggling too. But when he looked at me with his eyebrow raised i stoped.

So before he say or do anything I just ran towards the bathroom and locked it. I'm safe now. I've bathed and then brush my teeth but stupid me forget to took my clothes with me. Now here I am standing in the middle of the bathroom naked  I look for towel or robe and found a towel so I rapped around me but this is easy task the real task is to get out of this bathroom in only towel, in room where he will be there. I can't even ask him to give me my bag because I know that he will never help me but will gladly create problem.

God!! What am i  going to do now. I looked at mirror..

" C'mon you can do this.. you are Shree. You are strong girl. You just have to step out the bathroom look straight where your bag is. Go towards there then take the bag come back to bathroom. Easy pesy! You go girl!!"

After my small pep talk with myself I opened the door and first I took my head out , my whole body is hidden behind the door and I looked for him but I couldn't find him and the bedroom door was closed.

Coast is clear Shree...handsome devil is not here. Run!

So I just run towards the bedroom door and locked it then I went to the balcony door and did the same.

Phew! I'm alone. So before anyone came I decided to wear my clothes. I  took out my Pink sari with golden embroidery and wore it.

I side braid my hair , did some make-up,  and the second I was done someone knocked. When I opened it new mother in law is standing in front of me. She looked at me from head to toe and I got nervous.

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