Big Apple...

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Next two days past so fast that I don't even remember . Now here we are sitting in flight to New York. I'm sitting next to window, wearing black leggings and white t shirt along with my grey cardigan.

Adwait sitting next to me and after that night we haven't talk to each other. He is wearing grey sweat pants and white t shirt along with blue nike jacket and like always he is busy texting.
So I just look outside the window and after announcement like every other air hostess give in any flights. We started moving and when I look at Adwait he looks different like something is wrong with him and keep bouncing his legs.

Oh he is afraid of take off. Just like Daddy. He has this same problem and ma always took Daddy hand in her and I do the same when I'm with daddy.
But I don't know whether I should do the same with Adwait or not. But he looks really afraid.

Uhh hell with it Shree. Mom took promise from me to take care of her son. And I promised. So I just really slowly put my hand upon his that resting on stand that between our sits and then I just turn around looking out of the window. I started rubbing my thumb on his hand till we are finally in the air. After few minutes his head is resting back on sit with eyes closed I so took my hands off from his.

I put my ear plugs in and started listening my songs. I feel someone's nudging me when I opened my eyes bi Saw adwait and he is saying something..

"What?" I asked little loud. He took my ear plugs off.

"I said we reached!" He said very loudly.

"Why are you screaming. I can hear you. God!"

He just looks at me and opened his mouth to say something but then he close it. After all the basic landing off process and collecting our bags. We went towards the exit. He walked towards the guy and then that guy smiles at him the moment he looked at adwait.

My guess is he is that friend. That Adwait is talking about. I watch them doing some bro hug and then talk a bit.

Adwait opened the back of the Mercedes and put his bags in it. Then shut it and went towards the passenger side of the car and sat inside it. When I look at his friend he is shaking is head in a disappointment. Then he looks at me and started walking in my direction.

"Well I'm sure he didn't mentioned me to you and he is always jerk like that so don't think and worry to much" he said with a smile.

"Oh I don't think and worry to much, I know he is jerk" he just laughed.

" I like you, you are perfect for him" why on Earth everyone keep saying that I'm perfect for him!

" Let me introduce myself. I am Vicky short of Vikram. Your husband's bestest friend in this whole wide world. So even if you don't like me , you have to love me. You don't have any choice" he said this and stretch his hand for shake.

So I look at him.Vicky's wearing black jeans and orange collared t shirt. He is clean shaved. Much taller than me. I think Adwait and Vicky both are same in the matter of height. Vicky looks handsome.
I have no doubt when these two guys go together somewhere girls will probably had heart attacks or fainted.

"Hi. Myself Shree and I'm your best friend's wife so you also don't have any choice but to like me get along with me." I said with smile and he just smirk at me.

"Let me take your luggage, you go sit inside and relax. You probably will be tired" and he took my bag from.

" No thank you I can carry it. But you are a gentleman. You should teach that to your bestest friend in this whole wide world "

"Like I said earlier he is jerk. Maybe now you should teach him" helped me to put my luggage in the car.

When I sat in car I saw Adwait is busy again in his phone. Our drive to his condo was quite nobody speaks and I just stare out of the window and admire the view of New York City. Its not my first time here. I came here with my family once, just like the first time I'm in awe.
I don't think I ever get tired of New york's beauty.
We stopped in front of very tall building. Adwait got himself out.

"Here we are" Vicky turns around and said to me

"That's where he lives?" I asked.

"No, that's where you both going to live. Its not only his home now Shree it's yours too. You are his wife never forget that" he said in a very serious tone.

For a second I thought he knows the truth of our relationship. But I'm not sure so I just nod in agreement and step outside.
Adwait already took out both of our bags, I took my bags from him and wait outside of the building.

Adwait and Vicky both talk to each other. I don't know what but it seems serious. They both started walking towards me. Vicky smiling at me whereas Adwait is scowling.

"Be ready tomorrow night.we all are going to club." Vicky said excitedly. I look at Adwait, I feel like he doesn't want to go.

" I don't know"

"You don't have to, you are coming and that's final. Understood"

" Ok"

" Well I leave you two love birds alone, see you tomorrow" I cringe at the word love birds. We are definitely not love birds.

"No, no please come with us" I invite him. I seriously don't want to be alone with Adwait.

"That's very sweet of you Shree but I don't think your husband will like that. I see you tomorrow" he took both of my hands in his did something that I never imagined. He kissed them.
Then he looked at Adwait and smirked and I saw him shaking his head in disagreement but there is smile forming in his lip.

"Don't dream about me babe." If you think Vicky said this to me than you are wrong he said this to Adwait.

"I don't know how not to dream about you babe" Adwait said with the biggest smile.

" Don't let him sleep Shree " oh my gosh! Did he just mean what I'm thinking. I can literally feel my cheek hot. Why the hell I'm blushing. It's not something like ever going to happen between us.

"Fuck off dude" I heard Adwait said to Vicky. I really don't like that F -word I try always to avoid that word.
I saw Vicky heading back to his car and laughing so loud that I think everyone can hear him.

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