officially dammed

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Awesome art work by: jessicaarchambault

The bright red sun was warm on vaggie's back As the sky started to fade into a soft night blue and the lights of various buildings started to show indicating the days end. She breathed in the fresh afternoon air as she took a sip of her coffee finally able to enjoy a moment of silence. At the same time a rather happy Charlie and Alastor was making their way out. Vaggie, despite having broke up with her girlfriend. Was happy for them truly she was but she couldn't help but look at all this and not feel jealous at the same time she was glad. Glad that she and Charlie could still be friends. Finally able to enjoy each other's company with out butting feelings getting in the way. It wouldn't have worked out in any respect. Moths that fly to close to the flame always end up getting hurt......

The moth demon went about her night as usual reading, organizing paper work and overall making sure the hotel was well cared for. For awhile it felt like the establishment couldn't go one day without some new disaster to prepare against. But never the less she did what she could. after finally finishing the mountains paper work piled up on her desk her she slipped into the bath tub and let out a long exhausted sigh "Finally...." she said. Given the peaceful atmosphere. She picked up a book she had plans to finish 'pride and prejudice' and began to flipping through it's contains page after page chapter after chapter.

'Darcy you prick' she thought to herself as read the book. One of its main characters was prideful and arrogant not unlike a curtain spider demon she was well acquainted with. She paused as she thought of him. His smug grin, His recklessness and overall persona drove her mad. She sometimes wondered why she even bothered to stick around he was always a bit of a lose cannon. Then again she knew he couldn't help but be this way not after everything he's been thought. but she doubts he would even consider her feelings.

As her thoughts ran though her head she heard foot steps......she swore that she was alone. She got up putting the towel on. Picking up her knife ready to strike. She could hear what ever was in her room and with one swift motion threw her knife at the intruder. "Jesus! Vags don'tcha ever look before ya throw!??...." A rather startle Angel dust said. The weapon  was inches away from his face. Firmly impaling the wall. But Dust paid no mind eyeing The moth demon he realized she was in her towel and he couldn't help but smirk. Angel was always a bit of a pervert.

Vaggie clutched her towel tightly an angry expression adorned her face but with the slightest trace of a blush
Was he eyeing her figure? That would certainly be a surprise.... Considering Angel's sexuality and everything. She wasn't sure if she should be flattered or discussed by this. But now wasn't the time for that. "HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET IN HERE?!" She yelled angrily "someone said mah name three times and I magically appeared" he shot back sarcastically. Vaggie continued to glare. Angel rolled his eyes and pulled out her room keys from his pocket. The moth demon's anger only grew.

"Why would Charlie trust you with my room keys!?"She asked.

"Dats cuz she didn't. I snagged em from da front desk while she was on a date the strawberry pimp" he rippled casually. "Ugh!" Vaggie groaned in announce but let out a sigh. There was no getting rid of him now.... "What do you want" she asked as she entered her room to slip into her pajamas "don't look I'm gonna change" . He smiled again. Angel then produced to get comfortable on the couch "so glad ye asked well.... Since ya got nothin better to do I was thinkin maybe we could hit da town, have some fun, get a little waisted~" he said all the while trying to get the smallest of peeks though the door.

On the other side. Vaggie was trying to process what he was saying. Hang out? Together?? This had to be some kind of joke or a way for him to get under her skin. Never the less she put on her sweatshirt and walked out of the room. Angel was somewhat awestruck by the sight before him. "Well?....." The film star asked attentively. Vaggie rolled her eyes "look Angle as much as I would love help you terrorize
Some random part of town I have better things to do so...... Can't you just ask someone else" she sighed wishing he would just live already. Angel narrowed his eyes. Clearly not amused. in fact a look of concern was plastered all over his usually carefree facade.

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