enemies to more than friends?

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The pair proceeded to get comfortable as the movie began to play. "You sure your up for this. This film can get pretty sappy...." Vaggie said as she curled up against the blankets and pillows. "Babe please I can handle anyin". Or so he thought less than five minutes in he became much more emotionally invested then he originally thought. "Yeah well screw you! Tustin!!" he yelled at the screen as the big break up scene was playing out. Vaggie rolled her eyes as she munched on some popcorn. She then noticed some one tugging at the sheets.

She looked down to see Fat nuggets pulling away at the blankets as a means to get their attention. Vaggie smiled and picked up the little attention hog. "Hey there" she said as he happily snorted at her. "Give em here he probably just misses his Daddy" Angel said giving the pig a good belly rub. Vaggie couldn't help but giggle at the adorable scene. "Ok what is it with you and pigs?" She asked. "I dunno I guess I always had thing for em" he replied. The happy, peaceful atmosphere was claiming and nice he had never felt this way before. As the movies went on Angel couldn't help but notice Vaggie tear up at one of the scenes.

"Hey you aight?"

Angel asked making sure nothing was wrong. The moth demon soon noticed as she wiped the tears off her face. "Uh yeah everything's fine I just l love this part it reminds me of the simpler times you know..." She said sadly. Angel looked down and letting her words sink in. "ya wanna talk bout it?". Vaggie looked down unsure. But this was as good as any time to open up even just a little bit. She sighed as she avoided eye contact."I don't know how to go about it". Angel continued to listen. Vaggie took a deep breath "i don't know I'm happy, upset and confused all at the same time and... It really bothers me that I have no idea what to do about it which sucks because I'm usually the one that.that-"
Angel noticed Vaggie's stuttering and patted her back as he did his best to sooth her. Vaggie sobbed into his shoulder taking in his sent as she did. Actually enjoying his company for a change. It was nice. "Now listen Vags I don't think it's cuz you and Charlie slip up I think its cuz you have no control over the situation" Vaggie looked up. Angel wiped her tears as he did. The moth demon let out a shy giggle. "Now that's what I'm talkin about" Angel said giving himself a satisfied smile. Vaggie leaned on his shoulder and spoke up.

"I'm tired Angel.... I think I have been for awhile now. I guess after things ended with Charlie I lost my sense of propose"

"Aw Vags it's always been your job to take of others maybe.... It's bout time you started thinkin bout yourself..." Angel said his voice calm and reassuring. She smiled "Why are you being so nice to me". Angel froze then blushed. Before responding with "I dunno it was just the right thing to do". He said sounding more like question then an answer. The moth demon continued to smile.

"You know what that's called?"


"Caring about someone"

Vaggie then yawned and rested her head on his shoulder Angel smiled back putting an arm around her. Pulling her close. Enjoying what's left of the movie. Comping away on the snacks as they did. On the other hand Fat nuggets was watching. seemingly very pleased with the scene. Happily waging his tail as he watched. The film star playfully smiled at the on looker. "Oh shut up Fat nuggets" he said as he enjoyed the night.

The next morning.....


Every thing was so warm and cozy.... It felt safe he didn't want to get up, didn't want to lose this feeling, but it seemed like he didn't have a choice. Sleep was drifting away from him slowly but to his pleasant surprise the atmosphere of comfort didn't go anywhere.

Angel groaned softly, rubbing his face with a single hand. For some reason he couldn't move his other arm and when he finally opened his eyes he could see why. Just to his side, a head of long beautiful white hair was nestled against his arm. All around them where big fluffy blankets and bits of popcorn from last night's movie marathon. Angel huffed a little smile on his face

"Ah geez"

He rolled over, throwing over Vaggie's shoulder and curling around her. He really didn't want to get up just yet :-)

Awesome art work by: vivzpop

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