(random thoughts/ credits)

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Ok so yeah! I ship it!!! And I'm not sorry. see most spidermoth shippers get a bad rep and get tested so mercilessly that they just never go online again it's really sad actually. People usually call them homophobe or they want us to die , or that we're horrible people to which I respond with: Whoa seriously chill.

I don't know why people do this it's not like we're hurting anyone. Look we respect what's cannon. And instead of taking about it they immediately take it out on us and make it sound so personal that it on longer sounds like their talking about the ship. It's ridiculous. Look when I first found out that Vaggie and Angel where no longer cannon and instead have her be with Charlie I immediately felt so bad that I didn't like the idea. No don't get me wrong I think it's super cute! But I wasn't as passionate about it that I kept my mouth shut because I didn't want to get (for lack of a better word) witch hunted..... So yeah Vaggie and Angel are awesome together it may not be cannon but it use to be so theirs that.

And if people like this ship leave them be and if some people are homophobic give them time not everyone is going to agree with you. This might sound like a surprise but the LGBT community is still a relatively new concept in a lot of different places in other words their will always be bumps in the road the best thing we can do is work though it.

And just so you know I have a few gay ships myself ;-)
-Harley Quinn and poison ivy
-raven queen and Apple white
-PB and Marcy
-Mr small and Larry (fight me!)

The last one is a fav ;-) so yeah.... But for some reason Chaggie never made the list. It's cute but been there Shipped that anywho all I'm saying is that all ships are valid and spidermoth deserves more respect and I mean it this story was inspired by so many awesome art and Tumblr posts especially that last part where Angel woke up with Vaggie on the couch yeah the directly quoted from slxrpindust on Tumblr it's awesome check it out please :-) also follow up question should I revile Monday's (my OC's) design? The name might sound familiar to anyone who's read that one shot by charlie_magne on wattpad remember she's shiped with Alexander you know Lunefuforu OC.... I'll leave a link to the story if your interested.

So yeah....

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