The Babe in the Woods

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While you were eating Summer and Gretchen you may have noticed the room changing around you. You see, I can do anything, so why not tell my life visually to provide entertainment? Now let us go back thousands of years, in a place not too far from here here. Where the pools of black used to be springs of water so pure, it was believed to have been blessed by the gods. If you two get lost in the story don't worry, I have a narrator telling it. Now, on with the story!

(Narration Time)

The King and Queen of the fallen kingdom were exhausted from managing their kingdom and decided to take a stroll along the river. Taking their newborn daughter that was born two days prior along with them. The royal guards came along, much to their annoyance, to protect them if trouble arises. They were perfectly capable of defending themselves, but they relented to their insistence.

After a relaxing day of walking in the sunshine and feeling the autumn breeze, they decided to head back to the castle. But, as fate would have it, they chose a different path and stumbled on a small cabin in the woods. But something was off, there were no signs of life other than the faint sound of a baby crying.

As they entered with the guards in front, they were met with a grisly sight. In the middle of the room, was a man with a tear stained face hanging from the rafters. On the bed, a young woman lay dead with a newborn crying in her arms and a tired smile frozen on her face.

Everyone in the room was shocked to say the least. A family had been destroyed as soon as it was created, leaving the baby as it's only survivor. The Queen, feeling for the babe, convinced the King that they should raise the child as their own. She thought about what would have happened if they didn't take the path to the cabin. The baby would have died of starvation without ever feeling loved.

The Queen then approached the babe and picked it up. As soon as she did, the newborn calmed down and looked at her in wonder. A motherly smile appeared on her face as she started to caress the baby boy. He then grabbed her finger with his tiny hands and smiled, which incited a few 'awws' from the guards. She then ordered the guards to give the dead couple a proper burial.

After they mourned for the loss of life, they returned to the castle with a new family member in tow. The two babies were quickly bonding, conversing with their babbles and coos. Such a sight melted the hearts of those around them, with the maids blathering about how cute they looked together as they flocked around them. The nobles inquired on how they found the boy and gave their condolences to the dead couple after receiving the unfortunate news.

Everyone who resided at the castle agreed on one thing that day. That was to nurture and teach the royal children. They would lay down their life if necessary to ensure their safety and the kingdom's future. This was the tragic start of little Daren, but that was only the beginning of his troubles.


Another chapter done, I thought that it would take a bit longer writing this with the little time I have. Also, after naming him Daren, I looked it up and the first definition in the urban dictionary was how I planned on creating his personality. Talk about coincidence! See you guys in the next chapter.

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