The Silver Prince Part 4 - A Plan and the Jester's Cap

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I'M BACK! Sorry for all those who patiently waited for this chapter, I have no excuses. Also, thank you Captainofhighstories for proofreading this chapter.
The prince was currently training his magic in the archives as Laffer was searching for the more advanced tomes. So far, he has learned fire, water, earth, wind, lightning, and ice. Daren was trying to figure out how to combine them into different forms of magic. As he tried and failed repeatedly, his mind wandered on how to protect his sisters from his parents if the time arose. A secret exit might work, but where should he put it to prevent anyone from finding it out? Of course! He would make it here in the archives; his parents never come down here at all since it's deeper than the dungeons. Maybe he can also create a secret room to fully practice his magic and do things that are dangerous for others to be near.

Laffer interrupted his thoughts as he came out with a few books in his arms. "Daren, I have found two more tomes for you. One of them is about concealment magic, the other is about manipulation magic. Although these are some of the most advanced spells, a man could cast."

"Hmm, the concealment magic would be great for my Devilsknife, but I don't know what the other is about."

"Ah, yes. From what I've read so far, manipulation magic can move, warp, and change the physical properties of any object. Yet, it doesn't work on living things except for the user to an extent."

A small and thoughtful smile formed on Daren's face. "Interesting. I can see how this can help me with my plan."

"And what plan is that exactly?" Laffer questioned with a raised eyebrow.

The ordinarily carefree boy suddenly had a look of utter seriousness, which unnerved the older man a little. "Laffer, what I'm going to tell you must not fall upon anyone else's ears, do you understand? I'm only telling you this since I trust you enough to keep this secret."

A thoughtful pause. "Very well, you have my word."

Daren began to walk around the walls of the archives as he spoke to his old friend and teacher. "Something has come up that worries me, Laffer. Before I showed my parents my newly learned magic, I heard them argue about whether or not they are going to conquer the other kingdoms. I told my father that when I come of age, I could travel to the other kingdoms and try to bring them together peacefully. He convinced my mother to hold off her ambitions for now. But what truly worries me is that they are going to start a deadly fight one day due to their different ideologies."

"Hmm, very worrying indeed. But what are you going to do about this exactly? The state of your parents is something that I dare not meddle with."

"I plan on making a secret exit from the castle here in the archives, unknown to anyone but you and my sisters. We will have the entrance hidden here, which will lead to a room where I can train myself without disturbance. The exit will be somewhere in that room, leading to a place far from here."

Laffer took a moment to let this information sink in. "I see where you're going with this. You'll use the manipulation magic to create another room here since your parents never come down here. But I have a feeling that you're going to use the room to attempt to improve and create new spells."

"You know me so well. Only, that's not the only thing I'll be doing. I intend to gain resilience to all kinds of magic though self-harm, so I won't be at a disadvantage if I do happen to fight my parents."

The scholar's eyes widened from this new information."I-impossible. From all of the records that I've read, only madmen have even dared to put themselves through it, and all of them met grisly death by their own hands bearing little success."

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